
S1E12: The Obesity-Diabetes Epidemic and The Impacts of Fasting w/ Dr. Jason Fung MD


Dr. Bubbs interviews obesity and diabetes expert Dr. Jason Fung MD, exploring the high blood sugar and insulin epidemic that affects all Western countries today. Dr. Fung discusses the flaws in the "calories in vs calories out" model for weight loss, the importance of the liver in controlling healthy blood sugars, how chronically high insulin levels impact long-term weight gain and how constant snacking creates the ideal environment for weight gain and hyperinsulinemia. Dr. Jason also highlights some simple, easy and actionable take-aways for clients looking to lose weight, improve blood sugar levels and overall health. 

About Dr. Jason Fung

Dr. Jason Fung earned his medical degree at the University of Toronto, where he also completed his internal medicine residency before heading to the University of California, Los Angeles, for his fellowship in nephrology. He currently practices as a kidney specialist in Toronto. He is the chief of the department of medicine at Scarborough General Hospital. In addition to clinical medicine, he is also on the board of directors of Low Carb Diabetes Association and the scientific editor of the Journal of Insulin Resistance.

During the course of treating thousands of patients, it became clear to Dr. Fung that the epidemic of type 2 diabetes and obesity was getting worse. The prevailing dietary recommendations to reduce dietary fat and calories were clearly ineffective. Thus, He founded the Intensive Dietary Management Program to provide a unique treatment focus for type 2 diabetes and obesity: rather than focusing on medications, this clinic focuses on dietary changes that are simple yet effective.

In March 2016, Greystone Books published Dr. Fung’s first book, The Obesity Code, which explores the underlying hormonal imbalance that leads to obesity and recommends effective strategies that address the root causes of weight gain. His second book ‘The Complete Guide to Fasting’ was published in October 2016. This offers a practical guide to all matters related to fasting, including fasting regimens, what to expect, how to deal with problems, and simple remedies.

The Accord Study - http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0802743#t=article