
S2E19: Periodization, Concurrent Training & Nutrition for Powerlifters w Greg Nuckols MS(c)


Dr. Bubbs sits down with Greg Nuckols MSc, exercise physiologist with special research interest in strength development and former world-record holding powerlifter. In this episode, Greg talks about the history and theory of periodization, and where theory meets practice in the application of the concept. He outlines concurrent training, the interference effect and factors to consider for strength and team sport athletes, as well as finding the root cause of an athlete’s inability to perform, overcoming training roadblocks in powerlifting, nutrition factors to consider for powerlifters and much, much more! 

About Greg Nuckols

Greg has over a decade of experience under the bar, a BSc in Exercise and Sports Science, and is working on a Masters in Exercise Physiology. Greg has also held 3 all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220 and 242 classes. His passion is making complex information more easily understandable for athletes, coaches, and fitness enthusiasts. Find out more at and subscribe to his Monthly Applications in Strength Sport (MASS).

Research Articles

Macronutrient intake in Collegiate powerlifters participating in off season training