S4E12: Sacred Cow - The Case for (Better) Meat w/ Diana Rodgers, MS, RD

Season 4, Episode 12

Dr. Marc Bubbs interviews Diana Rodgers, MS, RD dietician and nutritionist living on an organic farm and co-author of the new book and film Sacred Cow to discuss why well-raised meat is good for you and good for the planet.


3:00 – Diana’s background and journey into nutrition

5:15 – Dietary patterns of hunter-gatherer societies around the world

8:45 – The mid-Victorian dietary shift and consequences for health

11:15 – Is meat consumption increasing worldwide?

15:30 – The impact of industrial agriculture on the environment

17:15 –The water footprint of cattle

20:15 – Methane from cattle and carbon sequestration in the ground

23:15 – Deforestation and the impact of soy crops

28:30 – The environmental impact of chicken farming

33:00 – Antibiotic use in conventional farming and impact on human health

34:40 – Price comparison of beef burger vs. plant-based (Beyond Meat) burger

37:00 – The cycle of nature – life and death

39:20 – The challenges of writing Sacred Cow and creating the film

About Diana Rodgers, MS, RD

Diana Rodgers, RD, LDN is a “real food” Licensed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist living on a working organic farm in New England. She runs an active nutrition practice where she helps people with weight, metabolic, and intestinal issues recover their health through diet and lifestyle. She’s also an author, host of The Sustainable Dish Podcast, and the mom of two active kids. She speaks at universities and conferences internationally about nutrition and sustainability, social justice, animal welfare and food policy issues. She’s also working on a new book and film project, Sacred Cow, exploring the important role of animals in our food system.



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