Recovery. Nutrition

S4E3: Performance Nutrition in Practice: Insights & Challenges in Pro Basketball w/ Marie Spano, MS

Season 4, Episode 3

Dr. Bubbs interviews Marie Spano, MS one of the country’s leading sports nutritionists currently working for the Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta Braves.


3:30 – Marie’s background in nutrition and sport

6:38 – Marie’s philosophy on performance nutrition

8:12 – Where Marie starts with her pro athletes

11:45 – Marie’s recovery pillars; regular meals, food right away post-practice, and hydration

13:50 – Train the trainer: get veteran players to eat with rookies to ‘nudge’ younger athletes in the right direction.

16:40 – Immuno-nutrition strategies to fight off cold and flu

19:20 – Travel strategies to support recovery and immunity when athletes are traveling

23:40 – Challenges when working with professional athletes

26:00 – Marie’s take on Game Changers and how athletes can navigate conflicting nutrition advice

30:40 – The value of finding the middle ground when making nutritional changes

32:00 – Where Marie sees the future of performance nutrition


Marie A. Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD, is one of the country’s leading sports nutritionists. She  is the sports nutritionist for the Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta Braves. She combines science with practical experience to help Olympic, professional, and recreational athletes implement customized nutritional plans to maximize athletic performance. Also a nutrition communications expert, Spano consults with leading food, beverage, and supplement companies regarding public relations and communications strategies.

Follow Marie on Twitter


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