S5E1: Fueling Elite Academy Football Players: From Science to Practice w/ Dr. Marcus Hannon, PhD

Season 5, Episode 1

Dr. Marc Bubbs interviews Head of Nutrition at Aston Villa Football Club Dr. Marcus Hannon, PhD to discuss fueling elite academy football players.

Summary of the Episode

1:11 – Marcus’ background

2:30 – Nutritional requirements for younger athletes

8:15 – Schedule of an academy football player

9:38 – Resting metabolic rate in younger athletes

13:00 – Are all equations appropriate for young athletes?

14:00 – Consequences of under-fueling

17:20 – Youth vs. adult athletes: physiological and metabolic differences

19:25 – Can youth athletes ‘carb load’

20:05 – Supplying carbs during training for youth athletes

22:25 – Energy expenditure in youth athletes: targets to aim for

26:58 – Senior vs. academy players – how the ‘rest of day’ impacts expenditure

28:40 – Fueling in under 14 and under 12 age groups

30:30 – Importance of establishing meal frequency

32:40 – The importance of breakfast in young footballers

35:30 – Marcus’ work with Aston Villa in the English Premier League

37:15 – Nuances in working at the highest level of professional football

39:10 – Relationship between chefs and performance nutritionists

42:15 – Evolution of performance in elite and professional football

About Dr. Marcus Hannon PhD

Dr Marcus Hannon is an SENr registered performance nutritionist and is currently Head of Nutrition for Aston Villa FC. Marcus has worked with a range of youth and adult athletes across a variety of sports including football (previously Everton Academy), rugby (previously Northampton Saints and Ulster Rugby) and boxing. Marcus is also involved in applied research and completed his PhD at Liverpool John Moores University investigating the energetic requirements of Premier League Academy footballers.

Research Papers

Energy Requirements of Male Academy Soccer Players from the English Premier League

Energy and Macronutrient Considerations for Young Athletes

Cross-sectional comparison of body composition and resting metabolic rate in Premier League academy soccer players: Implications for growth and maturation


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