
S5E9: 7 Key Lessons from Pro Cycling & How They Can Help Your Athletes w Dr. Impey + Chef Strobel

Season 5, Episode 9

Marc interviews with Dr. Sam Impey, PhD, Sport Scientist at Team BikeExchange and co-founder of the nutrition App Hexis, as well as Performance Chef Nicki Strobel to dissect they work they do in pro cycling with Team Bike Exchange to prepare for major races like the Tour de France.

2:00 – Introduction to Dr. Samuel Impey, PhD, and performance chef Nicki Strobel.
4:15– The build-up to a Tour de France: how do performance staff prepare riders?
6:35 – What does ‘training the gut’ mean for cyclists (and other endurance athletes)?
9:15 – How many carbs per hour does a Tour de France rider consume?
12:30 – How does a Performance Chef work with athletes?
16:15 – The importance of re-fueling in the first few hours after intense training.
19:55 – Why does chef Strobel put the riders favorite meals at the end of a Grand Tour?
23:10 – The value of simplicity in achieving compliance.
25:30 – Carbohydrate periodization in elite cyclists: how does it play out?
29:55 – The value of ‘education’ versus ‘prescription’ when it comes to nutrition.
34:45 – Bodyweight and skinfold calipers: how do they inform performance staff decisions with riders?
37:00 – Assessing resting metabolic rate (RMR) in cyclists; how might it change in training vs. competition.
39:00 – Consideration for practitioners and coaches when athletes are training at altitude.
42:45 – Two key reasons for low-fiber foods before mountain climbs.
45:35 – Supplement strategies for elite cyclists & the value of ‘do no harm’.
51:10 – How does cultural diversity in a performance staff, and athletes, help to propel performance.


Dr. Sam Impey, PhD, Sport Scientist at Team BikeExchange and co-founder of the nutrition App Hexis

Performance Chef Nicki Strobel works in pro cycling with Team Bike Exchange to prepare riders for major races like the Tour de France


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