
S7E9: Football Performance Nutrition - Tips, Tactics & Wisdom from 5 Expert Coaches


Marc rewinds the tapes of shares clips from the 1st Football Performance Nutrition (FPN) Summit with expert coaches Matt Nichol, Kate Callaway, MS, RD (Carolina Panthers), Will Greenberg, MS, CSCS (Buffalo Bills), Dr. Matt Frakes, PhD (LSU), and Pratik Patel, MS, RD (formerly NY Giants).

Expert Guests:

  1. “Coaching My Former Self" with Matt Nichol, Coach, Owner/Coach Paragenix Systems Inc., Director of Player Health/Performance Hamilton Tigercats, Founder BiosteelSport

  2. Kate Callaway, MS, RD - Director Performance Nutrition, Carolina Panthers

  3. “5 Things I’ve Changed My Mind About” with Will Greenberg, MSc - Assistant S/C, Buffalo Bills

  4. “Science to Practice - Data, Recovery & Sports Nutrition” with Dr. Matt Frakes, PhD, Director of Nutrition, LSU Football

  5. “Roundtable Discussion” with Pratik Patel, MS, RD, formerly NY GIants

Purchase all 9 full interviews of the FPN Summit #1 here.

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