S1E19: Building Strength, Speed and Power in Athletes w/ Clance Laylor


Dr. Bubbs sits down with elite strength coach Clance Laylor to talk about his journey to training professional athletes. Coach Clance digs into his personalized system for building high level strength, power and speed in athletes: his use of Olympic lifts, sprints and exercise selection. He shares what he’s learned along the way, dispels training myths, and shares some of his daily morning movement and writing habits.

About Clance Laylor

Clance Laylor is the founder of the Athlete Activation System Strength Coaches Certification, a complex, systematically periodized athletic development approach that has maximized the performance of elite athletes from a variety of sports.

Clance is a secret weapon of top Olympians, competitive athletes, coaches, and driven professionals alike. Laylor’s reputation as a tough, no-nonsense Trainer skyrocketed with the success of his young client P.K. Subban, star defenceman of the Nashville Predators and winner of the coveted Norris Trophy and Olympic Gold at Sochi in 2014.

Find out more at:  www.athleteactivation.com and www.laylor.com.