Functional medicine

S1E32: Cognitive Decline, Alzheimer’s Disease & Potential Benefits of Low-Carb & Ketogenic Diets w/ Amy Berger


Dr. Bubbs interviews nutrition expert and author of the Alzheimer’s Antidote, Amy Berger MS, who takes a deep dive into topics of brain health, cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Amy discusses how Alzheimer’s disease is an energy crisis in the brain, how the brain cells are effectively “starving” for fuel and the potential role low-carb and ketogenic diets may play in providing the brain with an alternate and effective fuel source. She also unpacks the physiology of beta-amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and the critical role of cholesterol and key nutrients like choline and vitamin B12 in brain health.

About Amy Berger

Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. She is a US Air Force veteran who now specializes in using low-carbohydrate nutrition to help people reclaim their vitality through eating delicious, wholesome foods, and teaching them that achieving vibrant health doesn’t require starvation, deprivation, or living at the gym. Her motto is, “Real people need real food!” You can read her blog at, where she writes about a wide range of health and nutrition-related topics, such as insulin, metabolism, weight loss, thyroid function, and more. Follow Amy on Twitter too @tuitnutrition


S1E31: Triathlons, Endurance Training & Considerations for Female Athletes w/ Dr. Tamsin Lewis MD


Dr. Bubbs sits down with Dr. Tamsin Lewis MD, functional medicine expert and elite endurance athlete, to talk all things endurance training: how she become UK Ironman champion, nutrition and training lessons she learned along the way, the importance of personalized training volumes to maximize results, considerations for female athletes, key biomarkers for assessing recovery and health, and so much more! Dr. Tamsin provides a ton of great tips and actionable insights to help you raise your game.

About Dr. Tamsin Lewis

Tamsin qualified with honours in Medicine & Surgery at Kings College London in 2004 and was awarded MRCPsych from the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2009. After years of training in the conventional medical paradigm Tam-sin became disillusioned with the ‘band-aid approach and pharmaceutical dogma which pervaded daily practice in primary and secondary care. During this time she began competing in triathlons, and found her performance improved in direct correlation with the degree to which she optimised key bio-markers through lifestyle, nutrition, supplement and training adjustments. Tamsin spent 4 years as an elite And In 2014 she won Ironman UK as a professional at her first attempt at this distance - having never run a marathon prior - and ‘raison d’être’ is to empower people to redefine the way they think about health.

Follow Tamsin on Twitter @SportieDoc and learn more at