
S1E43: Rewind - PNP Season 1 'Expert Highlights' w/ Dr. Marc Bubbs

Season 1, Episode #43

Dr. Bubbs reflects on Season 1 of the Performance Nutrition Podcast with clips of 18 expert guests sharing their incredible insights on a variety of hot topics from popular episodes this past year. Thank you to all the amazing expert guests who came on the show this year to share their knowledge on health, training, nutrition, recovery, and mindset!

S1E35: The Lore of Running, Hydration & Increasing Longevity w Prof. Tim Noakes


Dr. Bubbs interviews world-renowned scientist and researcher, Professor Tim Noakes about his remarkable career. Prof Noakes talks about his start in medicine and how his career path transitioned to sport and exercise science, as well as how the hydration recommendations have dramatically changed over the last 40 years and what the best advice really is. He discusses his proposed Central Governor Model in the late 1990s to explain the brain’s fundamental role in limiting athletic performance, as well as his journey from elite endurance athlete to type-2 diabetes diagnosis and how his health dramatically changed after adopting a low-carb diet. Terrific insights from Professor Noakes and a testament to his remarkable career.

About Professor Tim Noakes

Prof Noakes is an Emeritus Professor at University of Cape Town, following his retirement from the Research Unit of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine. In 1995, he was a co-founder of the now prestigious Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA). In 2008, he received the Order of Mapungubwe, Silver, from the President of South Africa for his “excellent contribution in the field of sports and the science of physical exercise” and has published more than 750 scientific books and articles. Prof. Noakes has been cited more than 16,000 times in scientific literature, has won numerous awards, and authored many books, including the Lore of Running (4th Edition), considered to be the “Bible” for runners, Waterlogged: The serious problem of over-hydration in endurance sports (in 2012), The Real Meal Revolution (in 2013), Raising Superheroes (in 2015) and since 2011 his autobiography, Challenging Beliefs: Memoirs of a Career. He now devotes a majority of his time to promoting the low carbohydrate high fat diet, especially for those with insulin resistance, and on raising funds for research through The Noakes Foundation.

S1E31: Triathlons, Endurance Training & Considerations for Female Athletes w/ Dr. Tamsin Lewis MD


Dr. Bubbs sits down with Dr. Tamsin Lewis MD, functional medicine expert and elite endurance athlete, to talk all things endurance training: how she become UK Ironman champion, nutrition and training lessons she learned along the way, the importance of personalized training volumes to maximize results, considerations for female athletes, key biomarkers for assessing recovery and health, and so much more! Dr. Tamsin provides a ton of great tips and actionable insights to help you raise your game.

About Dr. Tamsin Lewis

Tamsin qualified with honours in Medicine & Surgery at Kings College London in 2004 and was awarded MRCPsych from the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2009. After years of training in the conventional medical paradigm Tam-sin became disillusioned with the ‘band-aid approach and pharmaceutical dogma which pervaded daily practice in primary and secondary care. During this time she began competing in triathlons, and found her performance improved in direct correlation with the degree to which she optimised key bio-markers through lifestyle, nutrition, supplement and training adjustments. Tamsin spent 4 years as an elite And In 2014 she won Ironman UK as a professional at her first attempt at this distance - having never run a marathon prior - and ‘raison d’être’ is to empower people to redefine the way they think about health.

Follow Tamsin on Twitter @SportieDoc and learn more at www.sportiedoc.com

S1E4: Coffee: Caffeine, Your Genes & Performance Effects w Dr. Nanci Guest PhD

Season 1, Episode #4

Dr. Bubbs is joined by expert Nanci Guest PhD (cand) to talk all things coffee and caffeine, such as: new findings on "fast" vs. "slow" caffeine metabolizers, impacts on performance (and which group has negative effects!), whether to choose supplements or coffee for elite performers and how your genes influence all of these parameters.

About DR. Nanci Guest, PHD

Nanci Guest is a sport dietitian, personal trainer and NSCA strength and conditioning specialist, and she has been working in private practice in this field for two decades. She recently completed a randomized control trial studying the effects of gene-nutrient interactions (nutrigenomics) on athletic performance at the University of Toronto. Ms Guest is a global consultant to professional and amateur athletes and teams, in addition to having the role of head dietitian at both the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games, and consultant to international athletes in preparation for the Sochi 2014 and Rio 2016 Olympics. She has been using genetic testing with her clients for the past 4 years, and she has been part of the development of a new genetic test for athletes that is being launched this winter. 
