
S2E44: Effect of Caffeine Intake on Muscle Strength and Power w Jozo Grgic PhD


Dr. Bubbs sits down with expert Jozo Grgic PhD, to talk about the effects of caffeine intake on resistance training. Jozo outlines the mechanisms of how caffeine may impact strength and power-based training, lower-body versus upper-body movements, as well as its effects on pain and hormone response to training. He also discusses the caffeine dose ranges, coffee versus caffeine supplements, what the research says for female athletes and the effects of caffeine gum on performance. Jozo also shares how caffeine impacts blood pressure and his thoughts on the evolution of caffeine research.

Summary of Episode

3:00 – The mechanisms of how caffeine impacts resistance exercise

5:00 – The effects of caffeine on power-based exercises and lower-body versus upper-body movements.

9:00 – Rate of perceived exertion and resistance vs. endurance training

12:00 – Caffeine effects on pain during resistance exercise

13:30 – Caffeine’s effects on testosterone and cortisol post-training

14:45 – Caffeine dosing for resistance training

18:45 – Caffeine intake in female resistance training

22:00 – Coffee vs. caffeine for resistance training

28:30 – Caffeine washout period and the amount of caffeine in your coffee (vs. published literature).

30:00 – Chewing gum and speed of caffeine uptake

32:30 – Impacts of caffeine on blood pressure

About Jozo Grgic

A researcher from Croatia with a Masters degree in exercise science, Jozo is currently doing his PhD in exercise science and exercise physiology (with a focus on the effects of caffeine supplementation on exercise performance) at Victoria University, Melbourne. Jozo has co-authored around 30 peer-reviewed papers (many collaborations with Brad Schoenfeld) with a special focus on resistance exercise prescription and caffeine supplementation. Follow Jozo on Twitter @Jozo_Grgic .

Research Papers

Caffeine ingestion acutely enhances muscular strength and power but not muscular endurance in resistance-trained men

Effects of caffeine intake on muscle strength and power: a systematic review and meta-analysis

S2E31: Nutritional Strategies for Elite Bodybuilders & Building Muscle w Dr. Andrew Chappell PhD


Dr. Bubbs interviews nutrition expert and 5x British Bodybuilding champion Dr. Andrew Chappell PhD to discuss his research in elite male and female bodybuilders. In this episode, Andrew will discuss the overall energy intake and macro breakdown of elite bodybuilders: how much protein they consume, key differences in carb consumptions between bodybuilders who place in the top-5 versus the rest of the pack, and how fat intake differs between USA and British bodybuilders. Andrew also talks about the massive variance in caffeine intake, key factors like meal frequency and number of different food items consumed, and the most common supplementation practices amongst the best of the best. Andrew also shares his own insights from years of competing at the highest level.

About Dr. Andrew’s Chappell PhD

Andrew Chappell holds a Phd in Human Nutrition from the Rowett Institute where he specialized in the effects of the colonic gut microbiota and cereal science. Andrew has published in the area of cereal science, the gut microbiota, exercise and inflammation, dietary supplements and bodybuilding research. Andrew is also a completive Pro natural bodybuilder, he’s competed since 2006 and winning 5 British titles, and competing in 6 world championships 2 as a professional, where he took 3rd at the recent DFAC world finals in 2017. Andrew also competes in Strongman and powerlifting and has experience working with strongmen and bodybuilders from local to international level.

Research Papers

Nutritional strategies of high level natural bodybuilders during competition preparation.

Citrulline malate supplementation does not improve German Volume Training performance or reduce muscle soreness in moderately trained males and females. 

S2E16: Dietary Supplements & The High Performance Athlete w Prof. Stuart Phillips PhD


Dr. Bubbs interviews world expert Professor Stuart Phillips PhD to talk about his contribution to the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) recent research and consensus statement on the use of supplements in sport. In this episode, Stu discusses athlete rationale and motives for using supplements, caffeine dosing strategies for endurance based exercise versus repeated sprints, the application of dietary nitrates and what exercise duration benefits most, as well as evidence-based immune support supplements (sharing which are more hype than substance). Stu also outlines supplements that indirectly support performance via improving capacity to train or recovery such as HMB, omega-3s, and collagen supplements, as well as the  ‘decision making’ tree to help coaches, athletes and practitioners figure out how to best apply supplement strategies.

About Prof. Stuart Phillips, PhD

Professor Phillips is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Skeletal Muscle Health, Professor in Kinesiology, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Medicine at McMaster University in Canada. He is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American College of Nutrition (ACN) and his research is focused on the impact of nutrition and exercise on human skeletal muscle protein turnover. Professor Phillips currently has more than 18,000 career citations, and 200 original scientific research and review papers. Follow Prof. Phillips on Twitter

Research Article

IOC consensus statement: dietary supplements and the high-performance athlete

The “Big Rocks” – Stu’s Tip

“Sleep, training and nutrition must be dialed in… Supplements are the sprinkles on the cake!”

S2E9: The Impacts of Caffeine On Sleep & Circadian Rhythms in Athletes w Dr. Ian Dunican PhD


Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Ian Dunican PhD to talk about the use of caffeine in pro sport and how it impacts sleep duration and efficiency. Ian shares his insights on caffeine use and habits of athletes, how caffeine use impacts sleep on game days, the fact many athletes are unaware of the amount of caffeine they consume overall, as well as his research on jet lag and sleep disorders in athletes.

About Dr. Ian Dunican PhD

Ian Dunican has twenty years international professional experience in Project Management, Health and Safety and Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) in military, mining, oil and gas. He is the Director of Sleep4Performance, an expert consultancy for FRMS and operations, and a researcher at the University of Western Australia (UWA), where he works with elite sporting organisations for optimisation of performance and recovery. Follow Ian on Twitter here.

Link to Research

Caffeine use in a Super Rugby game and its relationship to post-game sleep

S2E6: Nutrition For Bodybuilders, Hypertrophy and Physique-Focused Athletes w Dr. Eric Helms PhD


Dr. Bubbs chats with expert strength and hypertrophy researcher Dr. Eric Helms PhD to talk nutritional strategies for bodybuilders and physique-focused athletes.  In this episode, Eric outlines how protein requirements shift depending on training phase, effective weekly targets for weight loss, the key role of carbohydrates for bodybuilders and suggested intake ranges, as well as how contest prep impacts testosterone levels, evidence-based supplements to potentially add to your arsenal and the importance of using your eyes and ears to monitor progress.

About Dr. Eric Helms

An active researcher in the areas of maximum strength development, fat loss, hypertrophy and competitive physique and strength sport. He is the co-founder and regular contributor to the Monthly Applications in Strength Sport research review and is the author of the Muscle & Strength Nutrition and Training Pyramids books. Eric also coaches a handful of drug free strength and physique athletes through 3D Muscle Journey LLC, which he co-founded in 2009.

Research Link

Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: Nutrition and supplementation. May 2014 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 11(1):20