
S2E33: Fueling Endurance Athletes & Periodizing Body Composition w/Dr. Trent Stellingwerff PhD


Dr. Bubbs interviews renowned physiologist Dr. Trent Stellingwerff PhD to discuss Eliud Kipchoge's record-breaking performance at the Berlin Marathon and the fueling strategies of elite marathoners. He also talks about the role of glycogen availability as a training regulator and the purposeful application of low carb availability training sessions in elite performers. As well, Trent dives into his past research into body composition periodization in endurance athletes and how it can impact athletic performance, injury risk and illness over a career. He shares insights into daily caloric restriction and weekly bodyweight loss targets as well as factors to consider before implementing this strategy with athletes.

 About Dr. Trent Stellingwerff PhD

Dr. Trent Director Stellingwerff PhD of the Innovation and Research division at the Canadian Sport Institute _ Pacific. An experienced researcher, Trent has more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications and is currently on the editorial board for the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance and the International Journal of Sports Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism. He has co-authored six book chapters focusing on the role that nutrition can play in supporting elite athlete performance, including a chapter on ’Nutrition for the Endurance Athlete’, for the newest version of the 2013 IOC Sports Nutrition Encyclopaedia. Trent has attended numerous World Championships and Olympic Games as part of Team Canada’s Integrated Support Team and consults w several Olympic athletes from around the world, including his wife Hilary, who competed for Canada in the 1500m at the 2012 Games.

Follow Trent on Twitter @TStellingwerff

Research Papers

Body Composition Periodization in an Olympic-Level Female Middle-Distance Runner Over a 9-Year Career

S2E6: Nutrition For Bodybuilders, Hypertrophy and Physique-Focused Athletes w Dr. Eric Helms PhD


Dr. Bubbs chats with expert strength and hypertrophy researcher Dr. Eric Helms PhD to talk nutritional strategies for bodybuilders and physique-focused athletes.  In this episode, Eric outlines how protein requirements shift depending on training phase, effective weekly targets for weight loss, the key role of carbohydrates for bodybuilders and suggested intake ranges, as well as how contest prep impacts testosterone levels, evidence-based supplements to potentially add to your arsenal and the importance of using your eyes and ears to monitor progress.

About Dr. Eric Helms

An active researcher in the areas of maximum strength development, fat loss, hypertrophy and competitive physique and strength sport. He is the co-founder and regular contributor to the Monthly Applications in Strength Sport research review and is the author of the Muscle & Strength Nutrition and Training Pyramids books. Eric also coaches a handful of drug free strength and physique athletes through 3D Muscle Journey LLC, which he co-founded in 2009.

Research Link

Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: Nutrition and supplementation. May 2014 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 11(1):20