Endurance athletes

S3E14: Endurance Athletes, Periodized Nutrition & Train-Low Strategies w/ Dr. Samuel Impey PhD

Season 3, Episode 14

Dr. Bubbs interviews endurance expert Dr. Sam Impey, PhD to dive into periodized nutrition for elite and recreational endurance athletes. In this episode, Sam reviews the history of endurance nutrition, defines ‘carbohydrate availability’ and ‘train low’, and outlines how fasted training, two-a-day sessions and sleep low-train low strategies impact training adaptations.

Summary of Episode

5:45 – History of endurance nutrition

10:30 – Definition of ‘carbohydrate availability’ and ‘train low’

14:45 – Fasted training and cell signaling pathway adaptations

19:00 – Fasted training and elite & competitive athletes

22:20 - Fasted training in recreational athletes

25:20 – Two-a-Day sessions and training adaptations

30:15 – Sleep Low-Train Low – the “sledgehammer”

37:45 -  How do you know if glycogen status low?

39:30 -  Train Low in team sport athletes

43:15 – Summary of the Glycogen Threshold Hypothesis

47:45 – what’s the evolution of research in this area?

Sam’s Bio

A Sport scientist at Mitchelton-Scott supporting World Tour men, woman and continental teams. Sam also conducts research to support performance outcomes at Edith Cowan University.

About Dr. Samuel Impey, PhD

Dr. Samuel Impey PhD is a a sport scientist at Mitchelton-Scott supporting World Tour men, women and continental teams. Sam also conducts research to support performance outcomes at Edith Cowan University. Follow Sam on Twitter @SamImpey_.

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