
S3E36: Life In Pro Football, Plant-Based Nutrition & Adaptability w/ Marc Brouillette

Season 3, Episode 36

Dr. Bubbs interviews former professional football player Marc Brouillette. In this episode, Brouillette discusses what it was like to transition like from collegiate football in Canada to the pros, if nutrition had a big influence on his regime during his career and his supplementation strategies for performance and recovery.

Summary of Episode

3:30  - Brouillette discusses his transition from collegiate to professional football in Canada

8:30 – Adaptability & learning from mistake

11:30 – The influence nutrition on Brouillette’s career

16:30 – Recovery strategies and physical preparation in the CFL

19:00 – Brouillette’s transition into plant-based nutrition

22:30 – Learning from failure

26:30 – Building relationships and life lessons in football

33:00 – Concussion prevention in the CFL

39:00 – The reality of injuries in sport

43:30 – Marc’s tips on goal setting

About Marc Brouillette

Marc Brouillette was selected in the third round of the 2010 CFL Draft out of the Université de Montreal. He played seven seasons with the Alouettes and was named a CFL East All-Star for his performance during the 2016 season. Marc is a vegan, animal welfare activist, lawyer and an avid reader who likes to share inspiring quotes on his Twitter account from the likes of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Mark Twain and James Altucher. He is also a husband, father of two, laywer and former Canadian Football League Player Association Player Representative.



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S327: Running, Marathon Prep & Pace And Mind w/ Coach Rejean Chiasson

Season 3, Episode 27

Dr. Bubbs interviews renowned running coach Rejean Chiasson to talk all things running. Coach Rejean shares his journey into elite running and the fundamentals of preparing for a marathon, from beginner to elite. He also shares his insights into planning your training week, balancing volume and intensity in training, and common mistakes made by beginner, intermediate and advanced runners.


3:50 – Coach Rejean’s surprising journey into elite running 

7:00 – Principles for beginners starting marathon prep

12:30 – Nuances in marathon prep for intermediate to advanced runners

15:00 – A common mistake for beginners – Running too fast on easy runs

18:30 – “Two a Days” or “Doubles” – The value for intermediate-advanced runners

22:30 – Rejean’s career in elite marathon running

27:30 – How many marathons should you run in a year?

34:00 – How many carbs to fuel marathon prep & supplements to consider

36:00 – Race-day tactics & Lessons learned along the way

39:45 – Running communities and the impact on health and performance

About Coach Rejean

Coach Rejean Chiasson is a seasoned professional when it comes to running and coaching. As a former Canadian Marathon Champion, he enjoys teaching other participants the skills to help them achieve their personal success.Coach Rejean is the founder of Pace & Mind run club.

S3E21: Effects of Protein Supplementation on Strength and Fat-Free Mass w Dr. Rob Morton PhD(c)

Season 3, Episode 21

Dr. Bubbs interviews Rob Morton, PhD Candidate in the Protein Metabolism Research Laboratory under the mentorship of Dr. Stuart Phillips at McMaster University. In this episode, Rob talks about his research into the effects of protein supplementation on strength and fat-free mass. He’ll highlight just how much of a benefit (or not) protein supplementation has when combined with strength training, if athletes need more protein than recreational trainees, and how much protein type really matters. Rob also discusses the impact of protein supplementation on fat-free mass, if there is an upper threshold for muscle protein synthesis, and what happens to protein excess in the body. Finally, Rob shares key insights on how protein requirements change as you age, effects on kidney health, and the evolution of research in this area.

Summary of This Episode

5:00 – Rob’s background

10:30 – Benefits of added protein supplementation for athletes

12:00 – How much does training impact your gains vs. protein supplementation?

13:00 – Protein types – Does it even matter?

14:30 – What is the proposed upper threshold for muscle protein synthesis?

17:00 – How is excessive protein intake utilized in the body?

19:00 - Is 1g per pound bodyweight still a good heuristic?

22:30 -  How to achieve higher doses of protein as we age?

30:30 -  Protein intake and kidney health

36:00 – General heuristics on protein and health

40:00 – The evolution of research on protein and health

About Dr. Rob Morton PhD

Robert Morton is a PhD Candidate in the Protein Metabolism Research Laboratory under the mentorship of Dr. Stuart Phillips at McMaster University. Rob’s passion is understanding how exercise and nutrition mediate skeletal muscle size, and why there is individual variability. Rob combines his background in Strength and Conditioning with his academic training to provide a practical and evidence-based appraisal of current dogma in sport science. Indeed, Rob’s research has been published in leading sport science journals and has been featured in a number of media outlets including The New York Times, The Globe and Mail, Global News, Men’s Health and Sports Illustrated.

S3E20: Pro Soccer, Life at Liverpool FC & Fueling for the Work Required w/ Dr. Liam Anderson PhD

Season 3, Episode 20

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Liam Anderson PhD, sport scientist and performance nutritionist to discuss his research in English Premier League soccer players. In this episode Liam discusses the physical demands of pro soccer players, how Glycogen status and type-iix fibers are impacted by game intensity, how fueling intake differs between practice and game days, the importance of re-fueling post-game and the real life challenge practitioners face, the value of a good relationship between team chef and performance nutritionist, and much more. 

Summary of This Episode

5:30 – Liam’s background and journey to work in pro football (soccer)

8:30 – The physical demands of pro football (soccer)

10:30 – Glycogen status in pro soccer players

13:00 – 1-game, 2-game, 3-game match weeks and physical demands

21:10 – Re-fueling post-game and real-life challenges

27:00 -  Liam’s research on nutrition in EPL players

31:00 – Nuances on collecting data in pro athletes

31:00 – Nuances on collecting data in pro athletes

43:00 – The relationship between team chef and performance nutritionist

About Dr. Liam Anderson PhD

Liam Anderson is Lead Sports Scientist at The Crewe Alexandra Football Club and former First Team Sports Science PhD Student at Liverpool FC.

S3E17: Fat-Free Mass Index & Key Micronutrients in Pro Football Players w/ Dr. Eric Trexler PhD

Season 3, Episode 17

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Eric Trexler PhD, professional natural bodybuilder, exercise and nutrition researcher and education director at Stronger By Science. In this episode, Eric talks differences in body composition in pro football, how it changes by position and over a season. Eric also highlights a lesser known but valuable metric of fat-free mass index (FFMI) and general targets for specific positions, as well as associations to performance. He then shares his work on omega-3, vitamin-D and body composition in NFL players, the unfortunate reality of post-career health in pro football players and tips to keep ex-athletes healthy as they age.

Summary of This Episode

2:30 – Cardinal rule of training

3:45 – Is it necessary to use loads greater than 85% to increase strength?

6:45 – Russian vs. Western training prescription

8:00 – Importance of starting light for beginners and experts

9:15 – Intense loads and elite training environments – too much of a good thing?

10:00 – Wave loading and ideal progression strategies

18:25 – What is autoregulation? How it can impact training progression

21:15 – Moving sub-maximal vs. maximal weights fast – which is best?

24:20 – Importance of technical skill in coaching

About Dr. Eric Trexler PhD

Dr. Eric Trexler PhD is a strength coach, professional natural bodybuilder, and the Director of Education for Stronger By Science. As an exercise & nutrition researcher, Eric has published over 30 peer-reviewed papers on a variety of topics related to body composition and performance. Follow Eric on Twitter @EricTrexler and on Instagram @TrexlerFitness.

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S3E16: Performance Nutrition, Pro Boxing & Building Trust w/ Dr. Scott Robinson PhD & Scott Quigg

Season 3, Episode 16

Dr. Bubbs launches the first episode of Athlete Evolution series of video interviews with elite performance practitioners and athletes. (Watch the full video on YouTube at Dr. Bubbs Performance Podcast!). In this audio podcast episode, Dr. Scott Robinson discusses pre-camp testing in boxers, the role of carb periodization in training camp, how the nutrition strategy changes when making-weight and the dangers of old-school weight loss techniques, as well as how to fuel to perform on fight night. Professional boxer Scott Quigg will share his insights on the value of an evidence-based approach to training, the importance of trust in a coach-athlete relationship, what it’s like to get punched in the face and much more!


About Scott Quigg

A professional boxer Scott Quigg is the Former undefeated British super-bantamweight champion and WBA super-bantamweight title holder, and is currently ranked #1 in the British featherweight.

About Scott Robinson PhD

Scott is a leading Performance Nutritionist working with a range of elite and professional athletes, including Premier League football and rugby players, professional fighters (boxing, UFC, MMA), triathletes, as well as with recreational athletes.

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S3E14: Endurance Athletes, Periodized Nutrition & Train-Low Strategies w/ Dr. Samuel Impey PhD

Season 3, Episode 14

Dr. Bubbs interviews endurance expert Dr. Sam Impey, PhD to dive into periodized nutrition for elite and recreational endurance athletes. In this episode, Sam reviews the history of endurance nutrition, defines ‘carbohydrate availability’ and ‘train low’, and outlines how fasted training, two-a-day sessions and sleep low-train low strategies impact training adaptations.

Summary of Episode

5:45 – History of endurance nutrition

10:30 – Definition of ‘carbohydrate availability’ and ‘train low’

14:45 – Fasted training and cell signaling pathway adaptations

19:00 – Fasted training and elite & competitive athletes

22:20 - Fasted training in recreational athletes

25:20 – Two-a-Day sessions and training adaptations

30:15 – Sleep Low-Train Low – the “sledgehammer”

37:45 -  How do you know if glycogen status low?

39:30 -  Train Low in team sport athletes

43:15 – Summary of the Glycogen Threshold Hypothesis

47:45 – what’s the evolution of research in this area?

Sam’s Bio

A Sport scientist at Mitchelton-Scott supporting World Tour men, woman and continental teams. Sam also conducts research to support performance outcomes at Edith Cowan University.

About Dr. Samuel Impey, PhD

Dr. Samuel Impey PhD is a a sport scientist at Mitchelton-Scott supporting World Tour men, women and continental teams. Sam also conducts research to support performance outcomes at Edith Cowan University. Follow Sam on Twitter @SamImpey_.

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S3E 7: Heart Rate Variability, Team Sports & Monitoring Athletes w/ Dr. Andrew Flatt PhD

Season 3, Episode 7

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Andrew Flatt PhD to discuss applications of heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring in team sport athletes.

Summary of This Episode

7:00 – What Is HRV?

7:45 – What impacts HRV scores in athletes

11:00 – Pre-season HRV trends in team sport athletes

13:20 – Olympic vs. national level swimmer HRV values

25:00 – In-season monitoring in collegiate football players

33:00 – Strategies for improving recovery as competitive season progresses

40:00 – Monitoring – a tool to start a conversation

46:30 – Different “apps” to implement with clients

57:00 – Evolution of research in HRV and team sports

Research Links

Individual Heart Rate Variability Responses to Preseason Training in High Level Female Soccer Players

Cardiac-Autonomic Responses to In-Season Training Among Division-1 College Football Players

Association between Subjective Indicators of Recovery Status and Heart Rate Variability among Divison-1 Sprint-Swimmers

About Dr. Andrew Flatt PhD

Dr. Andrew Flatt is an Assistant Professor and Sports Medicine Graduate Program Director at Georgia Southern University. Andrew has a PhD in Human Performance from the University of Alabama where he worked with football, swimming and soccer. He has an extensive athletic background including hockey, rugby, collegiate football and raw powerlifting. His research interest is in heart rate variability and its application to monitoring training status in athletes. Follow Andrew on Twitter.

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S3E6: Longevity, 7 Pathways of Ageing & Increasing Healthspan w/ Dr. Rocco Monto MD

Season 3, Episode 6

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Rocco Monto MD, award-winning orthopedic surgeon, team physician for US Soccer, and author of 'The Fountain: A Doctor's Prescription to Make 60 the New 30'. In this episode, Dr. Monto talks about the Blue Zones and the common themes in their longevity, outlines the 7 pathways of ageing, and highlights howmitochondrial  dysfunction plays a key role in ageing.

Summary of This Episode

5:30 – Blue zones and longevity

7:45 – 7 pathways of ageing

9:40 – Mitochondrial dysfunction and ageing

13:20 – Chronic inflammation and longevity

16:00 – Time-restricted feeding strategies

24:30 – Supplemental testosterone, medications and longevity

27:15 – Nicotinamide riboside (NR) supplements and ageing

29:30 – Exercise and longevity

34:30 – Social connectivity, meditation and the importance of mentors

43:00 – Dr. Monto’s simple tip for increasing healthspan

Link to Rocco’s Book

The Fountain

About Dr. Rocco Monto MD

Dr. Rocco Monto MD is an an award-winning orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist, internationally recognized for his pioneering clinical research on regenerative medicine and innovative approach to complex medical issues. Dr. Monto is also a team physician for US Soccer, a medical consultant for a global portfolio of elite athletes, and author of the new book, The Fountain: A Doctor's Prescription to Make to Make 60 the New 30Learn more at

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