Weight Loss

S5E11: Weight Cycling, Fat-Overshooting & Learning from Mentors w Dr. James Morehen PhD

Season 5, Episode 11

Dr James Morehen is a Performance Nutritionist who currently works with professional elite level athletes and global organisations. Alongside this, James is passionate about supporting individual athletes and clients with their own nutrition, exercise and performance goals.

2:30 – James’ background in science and sport.
4:30 – What is weight cycling?
6:55 – What is fat-overshooting?
10:50 – James’ recent paper on a 5-year weight training cycle…
14:10 – The typical resting metabolic rate, caloric intake and daily food items of the pro boxer
16:30 – Rocky’s weight-making strategy the week before weigh-in
21:05 – Old-school weight making strategies that put athletes at risk
24:10 – Does repeatedly trying to ‘make weight’ result in fat overshooting as you age (or athlete retires)?
32:05 – Some of the tips James’ picked up interviewing some of the world’s best practitioner
37:00 – What’s life like at the Bristol Bears pro rugby club
39:20 – Diet plan vs. lifestyle change – which comes first?


Website: morehenperformance.com/
Twitter: @James_Morehen


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S5E4: The Misunderstood Science of Metabolism (And Why It Matters) w/ Herman Pontzer, PhD

Season 5, episode 4

Dr. Marc Bubbs interviews Dr. Herman Pontzer, PhD, associate professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University and author of the new high-acclaimed book Burn to debunk the misunderstood science of metabolism.

4:02​ – Why Herman chose to write Burn
6:09​ – His first experience with the Hadza tribe in Tanzania
8:35​ – How far do the Hadza walk every day? (Why does it matter?)
10:44​ – Does improving running economy impact caloric expenditure?
15:55​ – Metabolic health conditions and the effect of exercise
19:10​ – The role of the brain in appetite regulation
21:30​ – Modern food environment, gene pool, and obesity
24:30​ – Benefits of exercise on overall health
26:30​ – What are the bounds of endurance performance?
29:20​ – How many calories can you actually eat? (Get energy into the body)
33:45​ – Evolutionary hangover: sticking with our ‘tribe’
35:30​ – The cost of a calorie today vs. 100 years ago
36:40​ – The effect of gut microbiota on calories you use and take up
38:45​ – How the diet of hunter-gatherers change based on latitude
40:50 – Genetic changes in Inuit that do NOT favour ketogenic adaptations
43:20 – Evolution of research for Herman Pontzer’s team


Dr. Herman Pontzer, PhD, associate professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University and author of the new high-acclaimed book Burn to debunk the misunderstood science of metabolism.


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