Animal vs. Plant

S6E13: The Case for Animal Source Foods in Healthy, Sustainable, and Ethical Diets

Season 6, Episode 13

Marc interviews Dr. Ty Beal, PhD, a Research Advisor on the Knowledge Leadership team at the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) with extensive experience examining sustainable food systems, diet quality, food affordability, micronutrient deficiencies, child and global health.


3:30 – Tylor’s background and current role at GAIN

5:20 – Polarization of ‘animal’ vs. ‘plant-based’ diets

8:20 – EAT Lancet policy proposal: a binary discussion

11:02 – Tylor’s recent work on animal foods: human health, animal, plantery health

16:15 – Large scale studies on red meat and diabetes Oxford Epic Study + 45 & Up Study

19:00 – Pediatric health - Considerations with plant vs. animal health

25:30 – Important role of nutrient-dense nutrients in lower income counties

28:45 – Meat in Lab – the Future or Fool’s Gold?

32:40 – What the Paleo and Plant-Based Community Agree on: Say No to Factory Farming

35:40 – Are we feeding foos to cows that would be used for people?

42:10 – How Much Do Our Diets Contribute to Greenhouse Gas Emissions*

45:40 – Quickest way to reduce global warming is to reduce methane in the atmosphere (ruminants are a lot more than greenhouse gas emissions – WWF: conserve lands)

47:30 – Regenerative farming/nature positive production

49:10 – How to fix the food system? (Finding common ground).

54:20 – at an individual level – where can people start to do more?

58:30 – Evolution of research in solving the food system problems  



Animal board invited review: Animal source foods in healthy, sustainable, and ethical diets – An argument against drastic limitation of livestock in the food system

Priority micronutrient density in foods

Micronutrient gaps during the complementary feeding period in South Asia: A Comprehensive Nutrient Gap Assessment




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