Low Carb Diet

S6E6: The Carbohydrate Insulin Model (CIM) of Obesity: Does Increasing Body-Fatness Drive Positive Energy Balance?

Season 6, Episode 6

In Season 6, Episode 6, Marc interviews Gary Taubes, author and science journalist, best known for his books Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat to discuss the new iteration of Carbohydrate-Insulin model of obesity, which proposed a reversal of causation: increasing body-fatness drives energy excess (versus energy excess driving increased body-fatness)


3:07 – Gary’s background as

6:05 - What makes a good journalist?

9:08 – Challenges and skills learned in Gary’s early days as a journalist

16:05 – When did Gary shift toward investigating and writing about nutrition and health?

22:35 – Gary’s new book on the history of type-2 diabetes?

24:10 – Gary shares insights on his interpretation of the energy balance model (EBM) and its history.

29:30 – How Gary and colleagues uncovered the original iteration of the carbohydrate insulin model (CIM) the recent paper from Dr. David Ludwig et colleagues on the carbohydrate insulin model

38:45 – Is there a specific phenotype in the population who experience more adverse fattening effects from carbohdyrates?

42:45 – Other dietary components that may contribute to CIM: fructose, fiber intake, protein, etc.

46:50 – The challenge of testing ‘glycemic load’ in a research setting

51:38 – What role does the brain play in the Carb Insulin Model (CIM)?

101:20 – To sum up: what do CIM and EBM agree and disagree on?

102:00 – Gary’s pick for NBA champion this year (2022)


Twitter: https://twitter.com/garytaubes

Website: http://garytaubes.com/


The carbohydrate-insulin modeThe carbohydrate-insulin model: a physiological perspective on the obesity pandemicl: a physiological perspective on the obesity pandemic

The energy balance model of obesity: beyond calories in, calories out


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PS. You can watch the full VIDEO interview on YOUTUBE!

S6E5: Weight Loss & Energy Balance Model: Beyond Calories In, Calories Out w Dr. Deirdre Tobias ScD

Season 6, Episode 5

Marc interviews Dr. Deirdre Tobias, PhD, nutrition and obesity epidemiologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston to discuss her research into obesity, dietary strategies and weight loss.


0:07 – Background of Dr. Jake Mey, PhD

5:05 -  What is the energy balance model?

11:25 – Does the current epidemiological data support EBM model?

15:45 – Human intervention trials on diets for weight loss (efficacy vs. effectiveness)

20:35 – How is hunger considered in the carbohydrate-insulin model? Controlled feeding studies on glycemic index and load

24:25 – How is hunger considered in the carbohydrate-insulin model? Controlled feeding studies on glycemic index and load

27:12 – The brain is central to the energy balance model, how does hunger fit into this equation?

30:05 – The reality of modern living, hunger and snacking on ultra-processed foods

31:15 – Energy partitioning:

37:10 – The food environment: can you continue to swim upstream?

41:40 – Dr. Ludwig and Dr. Tobias are colleagues at Harvard University

44:34 – To sum up: what do CIM and EBM agree and disagree on?

45:40 – evolution of research in this space

47:20 – how to start building a good food environment at home with kids


Twitter: https://twitter.com/Deirdre_Tobias


Carbohydrate Insulin Model (CIM) Paper

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