
S1E41: Weight Loss For Women, Female Athletes & Body Composition w Dr. Susan Kleiner


Dr. Bubbs sits down with renowned nutrition expert Dr. Susan Kleiner to talk weight loss in women and female athletes. Dr. Kleiner dives into the best ways to assess and measure progress - fitting into an old pair of jeans versus a DEXA scan – depending on your goals, the dangers of prolonged or extreme caloric restriction on female hormones, the impact of hormone balance on energy expenditure in women, the key role of carbohydrates during exercise, gut bacteria and weight gain, HIIT training for women and so much more. Great tips and actionable advice from Dr. Kleiner.

About Dr. Susan Kleiner

Co-founder and fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and a fellow of the American College of Nutrition. Dr. Susan Kleiner is the owner of High Performance Nutrition, Director of Science and Communication of Vitargo Global Sciences, faculty at University of Northern Iowa and currently serves as the High Performance Nutrition Consultant to Seattle Storm (WNBA) and the Seattle Reign FC (WNSL). She also consults with many other professional teams including Seattle Seahawks and Mariners, the Cleveland Browns and Cavaliers, the Miami Heat, Olympians and many more elite athletes.  Dr. Kleiner has authored eight books, including the bestseller POWER EATING®, The Good Mood Diet, and The POWERFOOD Nutrition Plan. She is one of the foremost nutrition authorities in the world.

S1E35: The Lore of Running, Hydration & Increasing Longevity w Prof. Tim Noakes


Dr. Bubbs interviews world-renowned scientist and researcher, Professor Tim Noakes about his remarkable career. Prof Noakes talks about his start in medicine and how his career path transitioned to sport and exercise science, as well as how the hydration recommendations have dramatically changed over the last 40 years and what the best advice really is. He discusses his proposed Central Governor Model in the late 1990s to explain the brain’s fundamental role in limiting athletic performance, as well as his journey from elite endurance athlete to type-2 diabetes diagnosis and how his health dramatically changed after adopting a low-carb diet. Terrific insights from Professor Noakes and a testament to his remarkable career.

About Professor Tim Noakes

Prof Noakes is an Emeritus Professor at University of Cape Town, following his retirement from the Research Unit of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine. In 1995, he was a co-founder of the now prestigious Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA). In 2008, he received the Order of Mapungubwe, Silver, from the President of South Africa for his “excellent contribution in the field of sports and the science of physical exercise” and has published more than 750 scientific books and articles. Prof. Noakes has been cited more than 16,000 times in scientific literature, has won numerous awards, and authored many books, including the Lore of Running (4th Edition), considered to be the “Bible” for runners, Waterlogged: The serious problem of over-hydration in endurance sports (in 2012), The Real Meal Revolution (in 2013), Raising Superheroes (in 2015) and since 2011 his autobiography, Challenging Beliefs: Memoirs of a Career. He now devotes a majority of his time to promoting the low carbohydrate high fat diet, especially for those with insulin resistance, and on raising funds for research through The Noakes Foundation.

S1E29: Sleep, Behaviour & Your “Body Clock”: Achieving Your Performance Potential w/ Dan Pardi MS


Dr. Bubbs sits down with sleep and behaviour expert Dan Pardi MS and CEO of to talk about the latest insights on sleep and circadian biology, the internal cellular “clocks” in your body which control sleep, recovery and overall performance. Dan dives into the latest research on sleep duration and common roadblocks to high-quality sleep, he discusses how “food timing” dramatically impacts your circadian rhythms and weight gain, highlights how melatonin is a “timing” hormone (and not a sleep hormone) and shares his favourite tips for overcoming jet lag and circadian disruption.

About Dan Pardi

Dan's life's work centers on how to help people live healthfully. He is the CEO of which leverages a novel behavior model to promote health fluency, skill development, and lifestyle insights to help people master their health practice. He does research with the Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department at Stanford, and the Departments of Neurology and Endocrinology at Leiden University in the Netherlands where he investigates how lifestyle factors, like sleep, influence decision making, cognitive performance, and metabolism. Dan also works with Naval Special Warfare to help the most elite fighters in the world maintain alertness and capable mental performance under challenging circumstances. He currently serves as Board Member for, as a Council Director for the True Health Initiative, and Advisor to several health-oriented companies (Ample Meals, Fitstar, Splendid Spoon, Validic), an Editor for the Journal of Evolution and Health, and formerly, as Board Chairman for the Investigator Initiated Sponsored Research Association.

Find out more on twitter @humanOS_me and Facebook

S1E11: HIIT Training, Efficient Exercise & Longevity w/ Dr. Martin Gibala


Dr. Bubbs talks to world-renowned researcher Dr. Martin Gibala PhD about high-intensity interval training - commonly referred to as HIIT - and its incredible effects on the body's response to exercise, fitness levels, fat-burning, heart health, blood sugar and insulin response. Dr. Gibala discusses his favourite HIIT workout, protocols for beginners and how exercise can support anti-aging and longevity. Dr. Gibala also dispels common myths around high-intensity training and touches on the mental aspect of HIIT.

About Dr. Martin Gibala

Dr. Martin Gibala is a professor and chair of McMaster’s Department of Kinesiology. His research on the physiological and health benefits of high-intensity interval training has attracted immense scientific attention and worldwide media coverage. Dr. Gibala has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles, the results of which have been featured by outlets including The New York Times, CNN and TIME. His first book, The One-Minute Workout”, which focuses on the science of time-efficient exercise, was recently published by Penguin Random House.Dr. Gibala has received three awards for teaching excellence at McMaster as well as the President’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Supervision.

Check out Dr. Gibala's book One-Minute Workout and follow him on Twitter @gibalam

S1E3: Sprinting - ALTIS Insights For High Performance Athletes w Dr. Jas & Jason Hettler


Dr. Bubbs is joined by two members of the world-class ALTIS Performance Group, Dr. Jas Randhawa, Lead Performance Therapist, and Jason Hettler, Lead Strength & Power Coach. They outline "The Performance Trinity" that makes the ALTIS integrative therapy model so successful. Daily routines of high performance sprinters, how sprint training applies to other sports, and the amount of sleep athletes really need are all covered. Jas and Jason also discuss how average weight loss clients can benefit from sprint-type training. These guys are world-class coaches, so make sure to take notes and check out my take aways and performance hacks below. 


ALTIS is an elite athlete training environment and host of world renowned coach education courses. It exists to provide a professional environment and approach to Track and Field and is home to to some of the world's best athletes such as Aries Merritt, Andre De Grasse, Greg Rutherford, Christabel Nettey, and Vikas Gowda. Find out more at and connect with the performance team via Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram

About Dr. Jas Randhawa

Dr. Jas Randhawa currently serves as the Lead Performance Therapist for ALTIS. He is the co founder of Rehab 2 Performance and previously a physical preparation coach for the Canadians Men's National Basketball Team. Dr. Randhawa has lectured across the nation and his work has been featured in many fitness and clinical articles including Movement Lectures. Join the conversation with him on Twitter @jrsportperform.

About Jason Hettler

Jason Hettler is the Lead Strength & Power Coach at ALTIS. He holds his BSc. Exercise Science from Grand Valley State University and plans to complete his candidacy for a Masters of Science degree, with a focus on Sports Science, through Edith Cowan University. His previous experience includes work within the Olympic Strength & Conditioning department at Western Michigan University as well as consulting with various professional organizations. Join the conversation with Jason via Twitter (@jhettler24) or his website

S1E2: Sleep Performance - How Things Go Wrong, Impacts on Performance and Habits of Highly Successful People w Dr. Amy Bender


Dr. Bubbs takes a deep-dive into all aspects of sleep with expert Dr. Amy Bender PhD. Amy discusses the benefits of "light box" therapy in the morning, tips to offset the blue light from devices in the evening, "cognitive reshuffling" and "4-7-8" breathing to increase parasympathetic tone and help you unwind and fall asleep, as well as the controversial "nap-uccino" that seems to be gaining in popularity.

About Dr. Amy Bender

Dr. Bender is a Mitacs Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Calgary Faculty of Kinesiology and works jointly at the Centre for Sleep & Human Performance as a Sleep Scientist. She received her PhD and Master of Science degrees in Experimental Psychology from Washington State University in Spokane, WA specializing in sleep EEG. Her current research focuses on the relationship of sleep and recovery on athletic performance in Canadian National Team athletes. She has developed sleep intervention protocols for numerous Canadian National Teams, and is working towards validating the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire in over 200 Canadian National Team athletes. Her research interests stem from being an athlete herself; she is a Hall of Fame basketball player, a mountaineer, and completed an Ironman in 2009.