
S1E36: How To Evolve From Technology to Upgrade Fitness & Performance w/ Dr. Andy Galpin


Dr. Bubbs sits down with expert Dr. Andy Galpin, Professor at the Center for Sport Performance at California State University-Fullerton to talk benefits and pitfalls of wearable technology, when technology can help clients and athletes and when it can hinder progess, key markers of longevity and healthy ageing that most doctors don’t know, why you can’t just outsource your training (or your health) and why it’s important to “feel small” every once in a while. Terrific insights from one of the best in the business. 

About Dr. Andy Galpin

Dr. Galpin is a Professor at the Center for Sport Performance at California State University, Fullerton and is the Director of the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Lab. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Exercise Physiology, Strength and Conditioning, Exercise Program Design, and Sports Nutrition, among others. His research utilizes the muscle biopsy procedure to analyze muscle at the single-cell level in response to high intensity/power/force exercise. Essentially, his research uses highly sophisticated measurements and laboratory techniques to answer practical questions like: How does muscle adapt at the cellular level to interval training vs. strength training? What cellular aspects of muscle allow some athletes, like elite CrossFitters or mixed martial artists to be simultaneously strong and highly conditioned? He has over 100 scientific articles and international presentations and has helped his numerous amateur and elite/Olympic-level NFL, weightlifting, MLB, NBA, and UFC athletes.

S1E29: Sleep, Behaviour & Your “Body Clock”: Achieving Your Performance Potential w/ Dan Pardi MS


Dr. Bubbs sits down with sleep and behaviour expert Dan Pardi MS and CEO of to talk about the latest insights on sleep and circadian biology, the internal cellular “clocks” in your body which control sleep, recovery and overall performance. Dan dives into the latest research on sleep duration and common roadblocks to high-quality sleep, he discusses how “food timing” dramatically impacts your circadian rhythms and weight gain, highlights how melatonin is a “timing” hormone (and not a sleep hormone) and shares his favourite tips for overcoming jet lag and circadian disruption.

About Dan Pardi

Dan's life's work centers on how to help people live healthfully. He is the CEO of which leverages a novel behavior model to promote health fluency, skill development, and lifestyle insights to help people master their health practice. He does research with the Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department at Stanford, and the Departments of Neurology and Endocrinology at Leiden University in the Netherlands where he investigates how lifestyle factors, like sleep, influence decision making, cognitive performance, and metabolism. Dan also works with Naval Special Warfare to help the most elite fighters in the world maintain alertness and capable mental performance under challenging circumstances. He currently serves as Board Member for, as a Council Director for the True Health Initiative, and Advisor to several health-oriented companies (Ample Meals, Fitstar, Splendid Spoon, Validic), an Editor for the Journal of Evolution and Health, and formerly, as Board Chairman for the Investigator Initiated Sponsored Research Association.

Find out more on twitter @humanOS_me and Facebook

S1E17: "The Brain Always Wins" - Your Brain, Performance & Roadblocks to Success w Dr. John Sullivan


Dr. Bubbs sits down with expert Sport Scientist and Clinical Sport Psychologist Dr. John Sullivan PhD to talk about how the brain deeply impacts performance. Dr. Sullivan discusses how nutrition builds optimal brain health, the critical role of sleep in performance, how emotions "run the show" in performance, the "gut-brain" connection and so much more in this fantastic episode! John discusses many complex topics but also provides some simple and actionable take-aways for you to upgrade your game.

About Dr. John Sullivan PhD

Dr. John Sullivan is a Sport Scientist and Clinical Sport Psychologist with over twenty years of clinical and scholarly experience.  He currently holds appointments within the National Football League (NFL), the English Premier League (EPL), the NCAA (Providence College, University of Rhode Island, Brown University), and the elite military and law enforcement in the U.S.  He conducts central nervous system (CNS) measurement/assessment, performance optimization, and concussion assessment/rehabilitation and a frequent contributor writing on sport science and sports medicine. Dr. Sullivan's latest efforts have focused on a series of books which distills the latest performance psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience, related to optimal brain performance and health entitled The Brain Always Wins.

Follow Dr. John Sullivan on twitter @BrainAlwaysWins.

S1E11: HIIT Training, Efficient Exercise & Longevity w/ Dr. Martin Gibala


Dr. Bubbs talks to world-renowned researcher Dr. Martin Gibala PhD about high-intensity interval training - commonly referred to as HIIT - and its incredible effects on the body's response to exercise, fitness levels, fat-burning, heart health, blood sugar and insulin response. Dr. Gibala discusses his favourite HIIT workout, protocols for beginners and how exercise can support anti-aging and longevity. Dr. Gibala also dispels common myths around high-intensity training and touches on the mental aspect of HIIT.

About Dr. Martin Gibala

Dr. Martin Gibala is a professor and chair of McMaster’s Department of Kinesiology. His research on the physiological and health benefits of high-intensity interval training has attracted immense scientific attention and worldwide media coverage. Dr. Gibala has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles, the results of which have been featured by outlets including The New York Times, CNN and TIME. His first book, The One-Minute Workout”, which focuses on the science of time-efficient exercise, was recently published by Penguin Random House.Dr. Gibala has received three awards for teaching excellence at McMaster as well as the President’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Supervision.

Check out Dr. Gibala's book One-Minute Workout and follow him on Twitter @gibalam

S1E2: Sleep Performance - How Things Go Wrong, Impacts on Performance and Habits of Highly Successful People w Dr. Amy Bender


Dr. Bubbs takes a deep-dive into all aspects of sleep with expert Dr. Amy Bender PhD. Amy discusses the benefits of "light box" therapy in the morning, tips to offset the blue light from devices in the evening, "cognitive reshuffling" and "4-7-8" breathing to increase parasympathetic tone and help you unwind and fall asleep, as well as the controversial "nap-uccino" that seems to be gaining in popularity.

About Dr. Amy Bender

Dr. Bender is a Mitacs Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Calgary Faculty of Kinesiology and works jointly at the Centre for Sleep & Human Performance as a Sleep Scientist. She received her PhD and Master of Science degrees in Experimental Psychology from Washington State University in Spokane, WA specializing in sleep EEG. Her current research focuses on the relationship of sleep and recovery on athletic performance in Canadian National Team athletes. She has developed sleep intervention protocols for numerous Canadian National Teams, and is working towards validating the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire in over 200 Canadian National Team athletes. Her research interests stem from being an athlete herself; she is a Hall of Fame basketball player, a mountaineer, and completed an Ironman in 2009.