About Dr. Andy Galpin
Dr. Galpin is a Professor at the Center for Sport Performance at California State University, Fullerton and is the Director of the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Lab. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Exercise Physiology, Strength and Conditioning, Exercise Program Design, and Sports Nutrition, among others. His research utilizes the muscle biopsy procedure to analyze muscle at the single-cell level in response to high intensity/power/force exercise. Essentially, his research uses highly sophisticated measurements and laboratory techniques to answer practical questions like: How does muscle adapt at the cellular level to interval training vs. strength training? What cellular aspects of muscle allow some athletes, like elite CrossFitters or mixed martial artists to be simultaneously strong and highly conditioned? He has over 100 scientific articles and international presentations and has helped his numerous amateur and elite/Olympic-level NFL, weightlifting, MLB, NBA, and UFC athletes.