
S3E24: Intelligence vs. Wisdom & Resolving Conflict w/ Dr. Igor Grossman PhD

Season 3, Episode 24

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Igor Grossman, PhD who discusses his extensive research on wisdom and wise-reasoning. In this episode, Dr. Grossman starts by defining intelligence, wisdom and characteristics of wise-reasoning. He then highlights how social class may predict your ability to reason-wisely, how uncertain environments drive decision making, and how today’s social media world influences how we resolve conflicts with others. Grossman also shares how better wise-reasoning may impact performance in sport, strategies for cultivating more wise-reasoning, and the evolution of the research in this area.


Summary of Episode

6:30 – Definition of intelligence

11:00 – Definition of wisdom

13:20 – Wise-reasoning characteristics

16:00 – Social class may predict ability to reason-wisely

22:00 – Uncertain environments and decision-making

26:00 -  Conflict with individual with higher standing

28:45 – Today’s social media world; greater self-reliance & greater narcissism

36:00 – Cultivating wisdom in sport

39:00 – Strategies for cultivating more wise-reasoning

43:00 – How wise-reasoning can impact health and performance

45:30 – Evolution of the research on wisdom

Research Papers:

Brienza, J. P., Kung, F., Santos, H. C., Bobocel, D. R, & Grossmann, I. (2017). Wisdom, bias, and balance: Toward a process-sensitive measurement of wisdom-related cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. doi: 10.1037/pspp0000171

Grossmann, I. (2017). Wisdom in context. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(2), 233–257.

Santos, H. C., Varnum, M. E. W., Grossmann, I. (2017). Global increases in individualism. Psychological Science. doi: 10.1177/0956797617700622 

About Dr. Igor Grossman PhD

Igor Grossmann is a behavioural scientist exploring the interplay of sociocultural factors for adaptive emotion regulation and wisdom in the face of daily stressors. His interdisciplinary work uses innovative methods, including big data analytics, psychophysiology, diary surveys, and behavioral experiments, to target complex social issues. Follow Igor on Twitter.

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S3 EPISODE 22 - Athlete Asymmetry & Impacts on Performance and Return To Play w/ Chris Bishop MS

Season 3, Episode 22

Dr. Bubbs interviews Chris Bishop MS, Senior Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning at the London Sport Institute and current Chairman of the Board of Directors for the UK Strength and Conditioning Association. In this episode, Chris discusses his research in inter-limb asymmetries or differences in strength and power in athletes. He shares current assessment methods to detect asymmetries and how they impact performance in athletes. Chris also talks about the various methods that can be used to correct or limit asymmetries in athletes, as well as whether a ‘threshold’ exists for asymmetries, and when practitioners should address an asymmetry in athletes. Finally, he shares his thoughts on return to play and the evolution of research in athlete asymmetries.

Summary of This Episode

5:00 – Chris’ background

10:00 – Definition of asymmetries in performance

14:00 – Assessment methods for asymmetries

17:00 – How do asymmetries impact performance in athletes?

28:30 – What methods can be used to correct or limit asymmetries in athletes?

32:30 – When do you really need to address asymmetry in athletes?

40:00 – Return to play - how do asymmetries impact injured athletes?

Links to Chris’s Research Project

About Chris Bishop MS

Chris Bishop is a Senior Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning at the London Sport Institute, Middlesex University, where he is the Programme Leader for the MSc in Strength and Conditioning. Chris is also the current Chairman of the Board of Directors for the UK Strength and Conditioning Association. Stay tuned to Chris’s work on Twitter.

S3E9: Sleep & Circadian Rhythm (Rewind Episode): Insights & Applications from 6 World-Experts

Season 3, Episode 9

Dr. Bubbs REWINDS the tapes and takes a deep-dive into sleep with 6 world-leading experts who’ve appeared on the podcast.

Original Episodes

S1E4 – Dr. Amy Bender PhD

S1E36 – Dr. Dan Pardi PhD

S2E11 – Dr. Cheri Mah MD

S2E10 – Dr. Ian Dunican PhD

S2E28 – Dr. Michele Lastella PhD

S2E41 – Dr. Norah Simpson PhD

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S3E1: Vitamin D & Athletes - Impacts on Immunity and Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage w Dr. Daniel Owens PhD

Season 3 Episode 1

Dr. Bubbs kicks off the year talking vitamin D, performance and which supplements can impact exercise-induced muscle damage with expert Dr. Daniel Owens PhD. In this episode, Daniel reviews the history of vitamin D research, how vitamin D may impact athletic performance, variations in vitamin D status amongst athletes and different ethnicities, as well as suggestions for testing and supplementation. Dan also discusses his work on exercise-induced muscular damage, reviewing the physiology of recovery and how certain functional foods can impact various stages of the recovery process.

Summary Of Episode

1:30 – Brief history of vitamin D

8:45 – How may vitamin D impact athletic performance

15:45 – Vitamin D variation between athletes

19:50 – Ethnicity and vitamin D status

24:15 – Mega-dosing with vitamin D supplements

30:30 – Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) and biomarkers

32:00 – Cherry juice, polyphenols and EIMD

35:45 – Omega-3 fats and EMID

44:00 – Evolution of research on vitamin D and athletic performance

About Dr. Daniel Owens PhD

Dr. Dan Pardi PhD is a lecturer in cellular and molecular sport and exercise science at Liverpool John Moores University, a sport nutrition consultant to the Warrington Wolves professional rugby league club, and former performance nutritionist for England Rugby Football Union (the RFA).

Follow Dan on Twitter  @Dan_Owie.

Links to Research Papers

Efficacy of High Dose Vitamin D Supplements for Elite Athletes

Exercise-induced muscle damage: what is it, what causes it and what are the nutritional solutions? 


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