
S3E31: Rewind - Caffeine, Coffee & Impacts on Strength, Endurance & Body Comp w/ 6 World Experts

In Season 3, Episode 31 Dr. Bubbs interviews expert coaches, practitioners and researchers on all things caffeine. Jozo Grgic, PhD(c) kicks things off by sharing his research into the effects of caffeine on resistance training and prof Stu Phillips, PhD the impacts of caffeine supplementation on exercise. From there, Nanci Guest, PhD shares her research in genetics, caffeine metabolism and endurance training, Dr. Eric Helms, PhD talks caffeine, bodybuilding and improving body composition, and Dr. Andrew Chappell, PhD from England shares his research on the caffeine habits of elite British bodybuilders. Lastly, Dr. Ian Dunican, PhD shares his research on the effects of caffeine on sleep in professional rugby players in Australia.

Summary of This Episode

#1 Jozo Grgic — the effects of caffeine on resistance training

#2 Prof Stu Phillips — the impacts of caffeine supplementation on exercise

#3 Nanci Guest PhD — research in genetics, caffeine metabolism and endurance training

#4 Eric Helms — caffeine, bodybuilding and improving body composition

#5 Andrew Chappell — the caffeine habits of elite British bodybuilders

#6 Ian Dunican — the effects of caffeine on sleep in professional rugby players in Australia

#7 Pilot Coffee — Modern decaf coffee processing

Links to Full Episodes 

S1E6 – Nanci Guest PhD

S1E51 – Pilot Coffee: Modern decaf coffee processing

S2E7 - Eric Helms, PhD

S2E10 - Ian Dunican S2E10

S2E16 - Prof Stu Phillips, PhD

S2E34 – Andrew Chappell, PhD

S2E47 - Jozo Grgic, PhD(c)

S3 EPISODE 22 - Athlete Asymmetry & Impacts on Performance and Return To Play w/ Chris Bishop MS

Season 3, Episode 22

Dr. Bubbs interviews Chris Bishop MS, Senior Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning at the London Sport Institute and current Chairman of the Board of Directors for the UK Strength and Conditioning Association. In this episode, Chris discusses his research in inter-limb asymmetries or differences in strength and power in athletes. He shares current assessment methods to detect asymmetries and how they impact performance in athletes. Chris also talks about the various methods that can be used to correct or limit asymmetries in athletes, as well as whether a ‘threshold’ exists for asymmetries, and when practitioners should address an asymmetry in athletes. Finally, he shares his thoughts on return to play and the evolution of research in athlete asymmetries.

Summary of This Episode

5:00 – Chris’ background

10:00 – Definition of asymmetries in performance

14:00 – Assessment methods for asymmetries

17:00 – How do asymmetries impact performance in athletes?

28:30 – What methods can be used to correct or limit asymmetries in athletes?

32:30 – When do you really need to address asymmetry in athletes?

40:00 – Return to play - how do asymmetries impact injured athletes?

Links to Chris’s Research Project

About Chris Bishop MS

Chris Bishop is a Senior Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning at the London Sport Institute, Middlesex University, where he is the Programme Leader for the MSc in Strength and Conditioning. Chris is also the current Chairman of the Board of Directors for the UK Strength and Conditioning Association. Stay tuned to Chris’s work on Twitter.

S3E21: Effects of Protein Supplementation on Strength and Fat-Free Mass w Dr. Rob Morton PhD(c)

Season 3, Episode 21

Dr. Bubbs interviews Rob Morton, PhD Candidate in the Protein Metabolism Research Laboratory under the mentorship of Dr. Stuart Phillips at McMaster University. In this episode, Rob talks about his research into the effects of protein supplementation on strength and fat-free mass. He’ll highlight just how much of a benefit (or not) protein supplementation has when combined with strength training, if athletes need more protein than recreational trainees, and how much protein type really matters. Rob also discusses the impact of protein supplementation on fat-free mass, if there is an upper threshold for muscle protein synthesis, and what happens to protein excess in the body. Finally, Rob shares key insights on how protein requirements change as you age, effects on kidney health, and the evolution of research in this area.

Summary of This Episode

5:00 – Rob’s background

10:30 – Benefits of added protein supplementation for athletes

12:00 – How much does training impact your gains vs. protein supplementation?

13:00 – Protein types – Does it even matter?

14:30 – What is the proposed upper threshold for muscle protein synthesis?

17:00 – How is excessive protein intake utilized in the body?

19:00 - Is 1g per pound bodyweight still a good heuristic?

22:30 -  How to achieve higher doses of protein as we age?

30:30 -  Protein intake and kidney health

36:00 – General heuristics on protein and health

40:00 – The evolution of research on protein and health

About Dr. Rob Morton PhD

Robert Morton is a PhD Candidate in the Protein Metabolism Research Laboratory under the mentorship of Dr. Stuart Phillips at McMaster University. Rob’s passion is understanding how exercise and nutrition mediate skeletal muscle size, and why there is individual variability. Rob combines his background in Strength and Conditioning with his academic training to provide a practical and evidence-based appraisal of current dogma in sport science. Indeed, Rob’s research has been published in leading sport science journals and has been featured in a number of media outlets including The New York Times, The Globe and Mail, Global News, Men’s Health and Sports Illustrated.

S3E8: Muscle Loss, Sarcopenia, and Implications for Healthy Ageing w/ Dr. Theo Ispoglou PhD

Season 3, Epsiode 8

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Theocharis Ispoglou PhD to discuss the importance of muscle mass in healthy ageing and how age-related sarcopenia can compromise healthspan and longevity. In this episode, Dr. Ispoglou defines sarcopenia, discusses the most common causes and how this can impact your life expectancy. He also talks about key factors that can accelerate muscle loss, common tests that can be performed to assess for age-associated muscle loss and the impacts of novel forms of protein to preserve lean muscle and much, much more!

Summary of Episode

2:45 – Definition of sarcopenia

4:30 – Causes of sarcopenia

7:10 – Losses of lean muscle after 50

9:30 – Leucine supplementation and older adults

15:00 – How leucine demand increases as we age

19:45 – Effect of protein gel vs. protein on appetite in older adults

23:00 – Should we raise the RDA of protein in older adults?

27:30 – Old myths - dangers of egg consumption and effects of protein on kidneys

30:00 – Common tests for age-related muscle loss

36:45 – Solutions for prevention of age-related sarcopenia

Links to Research Papers

Novel essential amino acid supplements enriched with L-leucine facilitate increased protein and energy intakes in older women: a randomised controlled trial

Double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial of L-Leucine-enriched amino-acid mixtures on body composition and physical performance in men and women aged 65–75 years

Daily L-leucine supplementation in novice trainees during a 12-week weight training program.

About Dr. Theocharis Ispoglou PhD

Dr. Theocharis Ispoglou PhD is a Reader in Nutrition and Muscle Health at Leeds Beckett University. He has a keen interest and expertise in studying the effects of nutritional and exercise interventions as a means to optimise human performance. In particular, identifying evidence-based strategies to prevent, minimize or treat sarcopenia. Contact Dr. Ispoglou via the Leeds Beckett website or follow on Twitter @Theo_Ispoglou.

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S3E4: Training Wisdom, Periodization & The Cardinal Rule w/ Dr. Dan Cleather PhD

Season 3, Episode 4

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Dan Cleather PhD to discuss all things strength and conditioning. In this episode, Dan outlines the most common mistakes trainers, clients and athletes make in training, the problem with conventional guidelines for training intensity, and the value of starting a program small. He’ll also share his preference for wave loading, the value of autoregulation, why it’s important to leave sessions feeling better than when you started, his MOST important “cardinal rule” of training, as well as insights from years working in the trenches. This episode is loaded with evidence-based insights and wisdom from Dr. Cleather! 

Summary of This Episode

2:30 – Cardinal rule of training

3:45 – Is it necessary to use loads greater than 85% to increase strength?

6:45 – Russian vs. Western training prescription

8:00 – Importance of starting light for beginners and experts

9:15 – Intense loads and elite training environments – too much of a good thing?

10:00 – Wave loading and ideal progression strategies

18:25 – What is autoregulation? How it can impact training progression

21:15 – Moving sub-maximal vs. maximal weights fast – which is best?

24:20 – Importance of technical skill in coaching

Link to Dan’s Book

The Little Black Book of Training Wisdom

About Dr. Dan Cleather PhD

Dr. Dan Cleather PhD is a strength coach, educator and scientist. Dan has worked with the English Institute for Sport, as well as World and Olympic champions in track and field athletics, rowing, canoeing and rugby. He is currently Programme Director of the MSc in Strength and Conditioning at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. Follow Dan on Twitter @dr_jump_uk.

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