
S3E 7: Heart Rate Variability, Team Sports & Monitoring Athletes w/ Dr. Andrew Flatt PhD

Season 3, Episode 7

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Andrew Flatt PhD to discuss applications of heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring in team sport athletes.

Summary of This Episode

7:00 – What Is HRV?

7:45 – What impacts HRV scores in athletes

11:00 – Pre-season HRV trends in team sport athletes

13:20 – Olympic vs. national level swimmer HRV values

25:00 – In-season monitoring in collegiate football players

33:00 – Strategies for improving recovery as competitive season progresses

40:00 – Monitoring – a tool to start a conversation

46:30 – Different “apps” to implement with clients

57:00 – Evolution of research in HRV and team sports

Research Links

Individual Heart Rate Variability Responses to Preseason Training in High Level Female Soccer Players

Cardiac-Autonomic Responses to In-Season Training Among Division-1 College Football Players

Association between Subjective Indicators of Recovery Status and Heart Rate Variability among Divison-1 Sprint-Swimmers

About Dr. Andrew Flatt PhD

Dr. Andrew Flatt is an Assistant Professor and Sports Medicine Graduate Program Director at Georgia Southern University. Andrew has a PhD in Human Performance from the University of Alabama where he worked with football, swimming and soccer. He has an extensive athletic background including hockey, rugby, collegiate football and raw powerlifting. His research interest is in heart rate variability and its application to monitoring training status in athletes. Follow Andrew on Twitter.

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