
S339: Uncovering Your Unique Ability and Becoming a Change Maker w/ Dr. John Berardi, PhD

Season 3, Episode 39

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. John Berardi, PhD, co-founder of Precision Nutrition, the world’s largest nutrition coaching, education, and software company.

Summary of This Episode


About John Berardi, PhD

John Berardi is a Canadian-American entrepreneur best known as the co-founder of Precision Nutrition, the world’s largest nutrition coaching, education, and software company. He’s also the founder of Change Maker Academy, devoted to helping you turn your passion for health & fitness into a powerful purpose and successful career.

Berardi has advised Apple, Equinox, Nike, and Titleist, as well as the San Antonio Spurs, Carolina Panthers, US Open Champ Sloane Stephens, and 2-division UFC Champ Georges St. Pierre. He was also named one of the 20 smartest coaches in the world and 100 most influential people in health and fitness.


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S338: CBD, Endocannabinoids & Impacts on Pain & Inflammation w Steve Ottersberg, MS

Season 3, Episode 38

Dr. Bubbs interviews Steve Ottersberg, MS, a research biochemist to talk all things CBD. In this episode, Scott shares insights The evolutionary background of the endocannabinoid system and the different functions of CB1 and CB2. He also discusses how CBD impact inflammation, the potential for CBD for head trauma and pain in professional sports, as well as the role of omega-6 to omega-3 balance in the endocannabinoid system.

Summary of Episode

3:30 – The evolutionary background of the endocannabinoid system

6:30 – The different functions of CB1 and CB2 receptors

10:00 – CBD for head trauma and pain in professional sports

11:45 – The role of omega-6 to omega-3 balance in the endocannabinoid system

15:00 – Triathlons, nutrition and how it impacts CBD

20:00 – How your genes impact CBD function

26:00 - The various delivery methods of THC and CBD

30:00 – liposomes, dietary fat and CBD absorption

35:45 – The evolution of CBD research

About Steve Ottersberg MS

Steve was a college level chemistry professor at Fort Lewis College, spent three years in laboratory management and has experience as a clinical nutrition product formulation specialist. Steve is a Faculty member of Progressive Medical Education, received an honorary ND from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine due to his efforts in teaching, and shares his passion for human genetic testing in medicine with an audience of physicians. Steve is the founder of Green Lab Solutions Company LLC was Colorado’s 11th certified cannabis testing laboratory and currently working as genetic consultant to Endo Canna Health.

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S3E37: Food Environment, Empowered Eating & Deep Health w Dr. Krista-Scott Dixon, PhD

Season 3, Episode 37

Dr. Bubbs interviews Precision Nutrition Curriculum Director Dr. Krista-Scott Dixon, PhD, to talk about the challenges in the complex world of helping clients integrate nutritional changes. In this episode, Krista shares her insights into how modern food environment impacts food decisions and whether you should focus on your ‘strengths’ or ‘weaknesses’ when it comes to nutritional behaviour chance.

Summary of Episode:

3:30 – Krista’s academic background and the value of diverse knowledge

5:30 – The modern food environment and food decisions

8:30 – A weakness versus limiting factors

14:20 – The line between offering a presence to client’s suffering and when they need professional support

21:00 – Helping clients bring attention to ‘stress’ patterns

28:00 – The child brain, coaching kids and the neuroscience of childhood development

34:00 – Male coaches & female athletes – body composition discussion

38:30 – Solutions for navigating the hyper-caloric modern food environment

45:00 – Loneliness, sense of purpose and longevity


About Dr. Krista-Scott Dixon, PhD

Precision Nutrition Curriculum Director, Dr. Krista Scott Dixon began her career down the path of academia at York University where she taught and finished up her PhD before leaving it all together to go down the fitness and nutrition rabbit hole! Krista has since been advising and coaching both male and female athletes and is the curriculum director for Precision Nutrition. 

@Stumptuous – Krista on Twitter


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S3E36: Life In Pro Football, Plant-Based Nutrition & Adaptability w/ Marc Brouillette

Season 3, Episode 36

Dr. Bubbs interviews former professional football player Marc Brouillette. In this episode, Brouillette discusses what it was like to transition like from collegiate football in Canada to the pros, if nutrition had a big influence on his regime during his career and his supplementation strategies for performance and recovery.

Summary of Episode

3:30  - Brouillette discusses his transition from collegiate to professional football in Canada

8:30 – Adaptability & learning from mistake

11:30 – The influence nutrition on Brouillette’s career

16:30 – Recovery strategies and physical preparation in the CFL

19:00 – Brouillette’s transition into plant-based nutrition

22:30 – Learning from failure

26:30 – Building relationships and life lessons in football

33:00 – Concussion prevention in the CFL

39:00 – The reality of injuries in sport

43:30 – Marc’s tips on goal setting

About Marc Brouillette

Marc Brouillette was selected in the third round of the 2010 CFL Draft out of the Université de Montreal. He played seven seasons with the Alouettes and was named a CFL East All-Star for his performance during the 2016 season. Marc is a vegan, animal welfare activist, lawyer and an avid reader who likes to share inspiring quotes on his Twitter account from the likes of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Mark Twain and James Altucher. He is also a husband, father of two, laywer and former Canadian Football League Player Association Player Representative.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MOBrouillette


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S3E35: Seasonal Changes in Hormone & Nutrient Biomarkers in College Soccer w Dr. Alan Walker, PhD

Season 3, Episode 35

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Alan Walker PhD whose research is focused on the effects energy expenditure and workload have on biomarkers in athletes.

Summary of Episode

4:00 – Dr. Walker’s background in exercise and nutrition

7:45 – How do biomarkers inform athlete stress over 24-hours?

10:30 – Specificity vs. sensitivity with lab testing

11:30 – Alan’s work in seasonal long biomarker testing in elite female soccer players

13:00 – The collegiate pre-season & impacts on athlete readiness

14:00 – How iron status was impacted throughout the season

15:30 – IL-6, hepcidin and iron regulation

16:30 – The ‘delayed effect’ of biomarker assessment

17:30 – Biomarkers – The “Other-22 Hours” in the day

20:00 – The value of education and transparency in applying performance nutrition in practice

23:00 – ‘Big Rocks’ for athlete to support performance and recovery - Suggestions for

About Dr. Alan Walker, PhD, CSCS

Dr. Alan Walker received his BS from Salisbury University (’12), his MS from Rutgers University (’14), his Ph.D. from Rutgers University (’19), and earned his CSCS in 2016 with distinction in 2017. Alan is current an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania. Alans’s research primarily focuses on sport science and implementing ways to maximize athlete health and performance. He has experience working with sports such as soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, swimming and diving, hockey, and boxing at the youth, collegiate, and professional level.


Biomarker Response to a Competitive Season in Division I Female Soccer Players


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S3 EPISODE 34 - Neuroscience, Brain Agility & Unlocking The Source w/ Dr. Tara Swart MD, PhD

Season 3, Episode 34

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Tara Swart, MD, PhD. Dr Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, leadership coach, award-winning author and a medical doctor. In this episode Tara shares her insights into how we can become more aware of our unconscious biases, the impact of body language and emotion in communication and how to ‘master’ our emotions. Tara discusses her brain agility model, how fear and failure can act as a trigger for performance, and considers whether you can be really smart and also really emotionally intelligent?

Summary of This Episode

4:30 – How evolution has impacted unconscious bias

6:45 – How can you become more aware of unconscious biases

9:00 – Body language and emotion in communication

11:30 – How to ‘master’ emotions; not regulate

13:00 – The brain agility model; mastering emotions, know yourself, trust your gut, logic (make good decisions), stay motivated and resilient, real-world outcomes

15:00 – Prioritize your mental strengths, but know your areas of

18:00 – Fear, failure & a single point of focus

20:00 – Metacognition & changing how you think

21:40 – Is ‘doing nothing’ a lost art? Getting away from technology

Link to Tara’s Book

The Source

About Dr. Tara Swart MD, PhD

Dr Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, leadership coach, award-winning author and a medical doctor. She works with leaders all over the world to help them achieve mental resilience and peak brain performance, improving their ability to manage stress, regulate emotions and retain information. Tara is the only top-tier leadership coach with both a PhD in neuroscience and former medical career as a psychiatrist. Educated at Oxford University and King’s College London, her role as Faculty at MIT and King’s College London, and as guest lecturer at Oxford SAID, ensures that she remains at the forefront of the latest developments in her sector.


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S3 EPISODE 33 - Nutrition, Physical Development & Champion’s Mindset in Pro Baseball w/ Xan Barksdale

Season 3, Episode 33

Dr. Bubbs interviews baseball performance consultant Xan Barksdale. A baseball coach with Team USA and former professional baseball player, Xan shares his sporting background and how training and physical preparation has changed over the last 20 years. He also discusses the key role of off-season training in athletic development, how much is enough, and the potential pitfalls of early sport specialization. Xan also chats nutrition in baseball; current trends he’s seeing in athletes, how supplementation impacts baseball performance and navigating travel nutrition in young athletes. Finally, Xan discusses the importance of mindset in baseball and the evolution of baseball performance in the next 5-10 years.


4:00 – Xan’s sport and performance background

6:30 – Training and physical preparation in baseball

8:30 – Starting from the game and moving back

12:30 – Off-season training, young athlete and how much is enough?

16:30 – Nutrition in baseball

20:00 – Nutritional trends and habits in elite baseball

22:30 – Xan’s work with Team USA Baseball

27:30 – Travel nutrition in baseball and eating abroad

30:30 – What supplements are commonly used in baseball games?

36:30 – Mindset and mental performance in baseball

Xan is a former professional baseball player in the Atlanta Braves farm system. Xan currently serves as a coach on Team USA Baseball and was formerly an assistant coach at the University of Louisville and East Tennessee State. Xan is now focused a baseball consultant




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S3E32: Athlete Preparation, Recovery & Mindset in the NBA w/ Ben Kenyon

Season 3, Episode 32

Dr. Bubbs interviews Ben Kenyon, performance coach with the NBA’s Portland Trailblazers. In this episode, Ben discusses his journey to working in professional sport, the importance of relationships and building up the ‘trust jar’, the value of routine in skill development, and how core values translate to high performance. He also shares his insights on player diets in the NBA, how the players cope with all the travel, and ‘return-to-play’ injury nutrition. Ben also shares how mindset is what separates the best from the rest and shares his thoughts the next frontier in performance.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ben_kenyon_


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S3E31: Rewind - Caffeine, Coffee & Impacts on Strength, Endurance & Body Comp w/ 6 World Experts

In Season 3, Episode 31 Dr. Bubbs interviews expert coaches, practitioners and researchers on all things caffeine. Jozo Grgic, PhD(c) kicks things off by sharing his research into the effects of caffeine on resistance training and prof Stu Phillips, PhD the impacts of caffeine supplementation on exercise. From there, Nanci Guest, PhD shares her research in genetics, caffeine metabolism and endurance training, Dr. Eric Helms, PhD talks caffeine, bodybuilding and improving body composition, and Dr. Andrew Chappell, PhD from England shares his research on the caffeine habits of elite British bodybuilders. Lastly, Dr. Ian Dunican, PhD shares his research on the effects of caffeine on sleep in professional rugby players in Australia.

Summary of This Episode

#1 Jozo Grgic — the effects of caffeine on resistance training

#2 Prof Stu Phillips — the impacts of caffeine supplementation on exercise

#3 Nanci Guest PhD — research in genetics, caffeine metabolism and endurance training

#4 Eric Helms — caffeine, bodybuilding and improving body composition

#5 Andrew Chappell — the caffeine habits of elite British bodybuilders

#6 Ian Dunican — the effects of caffeine on sleep in professional rugby players in Australia

#7 Pilot Coffee — Modern decaf coffee processing

Links to Full Episodes 

S1E6 – Nanci Guest PhD

S1E51 – Pilot Coffee: Modern decaf coffee processing

S2E7 - Eric Helms, PhD

S2E10 - Ian Dunican S2E10

S2E16 - Prof Stu Phillips, PhD

S2E34 – Andrew Chappell, PhD

S2E47 - Jozo Grgic, PhD(c)

S3E30: Energy Expenditure, Polyphenols & Travel Nutrition in Pro Rugby w/ Dr. James Morehen PhD

Season 3, Episode 30

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. James Morehen, PhD, performance nutritionist with a research background in rugby league and currently working for the English Football Association. In this episode, James discusses the physical demands and athlete profile in elite professional rugby league. He highlights the fundamental fueling strategies in a sport with high caloric demands, potential nutrition ‘gaps’ in elite rugby players, and whether or not polyphenol supplementation improves recovery post-competition.


4:30 – Dr. Morehen’s background

8:00 – The physical demands in rugby

14:00 – Dexa scanning and athlete profile of professional rugby players

20:00 – Fueling strategies in athletes with high caloric demands

24:00 – Potential nutrition ‘gaps’ in elite rugby players

28:00 – Polyphenol supplementation and recovery in rugby players

34:00 – Travel nutrition in preparation for Rugby World Cup

41:00 – Rapid rehydration in hot climates during compressed schedules

45:00 – The next greatest gains in performance nutrition


About James Morehen, PhD
Currently works with England football looking after the nutrition provision and strategies for the 16 national teams within the Physical performance and nutrition department and also works with professional boxers and judo athletes to make weight safely and deliver nutritional strategies that can be implemented for body composition manipulation and fight night performance.



Research Studies –

Position specific differences in the anthropometric characteristics of elite European Super League rugby players

The Assessment of Total Energy Expenditure During a 14-Day In-Season Period of Professional Rugby League Players Using the Doubly Labelled Water Method

 GROWING, BUILDING AND REPAING ELITE RUGBY PLAYERS: Nutritional and Energetic Considerations


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S3E29: Biofeedback, Mindfulness & How Emotions Drive Behaviour w/ Dr. Inna Khazan, PhD

Season 3, Episode 29

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Inna Khazan, PhD, BCB a faculty member at Harvard Medical School and a clinical psychologist specializing in health psychology and performance excellence training using biofeedback and mindfulness-based approaches. In this episodes, Dr. Khazan talks about how mindfulness enhances biofeedback and biofeedback enhances mindfulness. She shares research on HRV, and biofeedback and how to find your resonance frequency (RF) rate.


4:00 – Dr. Khazan’s background

8:00 – Mindfulness and the Parable of the Lute

10:00 – How biofeedback enhances mindfulness (and vice versa)

14:30 – The pitfalls of over-breathing

20:30 – HRV, biofeedback and resonance frequency (RF) rate

25:00 – Mindfulness meditation and how it changes the brain

30:30 – Common myths around mindfulness

33:00 – Shame & how emotions drive behaviour

34:30 – How guilt impacts behaviour in a group

37:30 – the Evolutionary perspective on the value of fear


About Dr. Inna Khazan

Dr. Inna Khazan, PhD, BCB is a faculty member at Harvard Medical School and a clinical psychologist specializing in health psychology and performance excellence training using biofeedback and mindfulness-based approaches. Dr. Khazan is recognized as a pioneer in the area of mindfulness-based biofeedback. She teaches nationally and internationally, including at institutions such as the US Navy Special Warfare, US Army Special Forces, and the Stuttgart Opera and Ballet Company.



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S3E28: Pre-Season Fueling and Return-to-Play Nutrition in the NFL w/ Pratik Patel MS RD

Season 3, Episode 28

Dr. Bubbs interviews Pratik Patel, the Director of Nutrition and Assistant Strength Coach for the NFL’s New York Giants. In this episode, Pratik talks about his circuitous route to working in high  performance and his early experience in leading an elite collegiate nutrition program.


4:00 – Pratik’s background and circuitous route to performance and exercise

14:30 – Pratik’s experience in leading an elite collegiate nutrition program

22:00 – Pre-Season fueling in the NFL

25:30 – Position specific changes in body composition

30:00 – Pre-season supplementation

32:30 – How does the nutrition plan change in-season?

35:30 – Strategies when players eat out or on the road

38:30 – Supporting a big roster with frequent athlete turnover

44:00 – Return to play and injury nutrition

48:00 – Biggest challenges in building player buy-in

About Pratik Patel, MS, RD

Pratik is in his 3rd season with the Giants and 10th year as a Sports Dietitian, one of the few people to hold dual full-time roles as the Giants Sports Dietitian (overseeing all nutritional aspects for the team) and as an Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach.  Pratik is also the first south Asian and minority on a professional coaching staff in this capacity. At the collegiate level, Pratik spent seven years working at Kansas State, Michigan State, and the University of Oregon where he had the opportunity to build, grow, and integrate sports nutrition departments from the ground up and worked with numerous championship winning teams across a number of sports.  Pratik also conducted one of the first High Intensity Functional Training (HIFT) studies which has since spawned a growth of research at Kansas State in the Functional Intensity Training lab in a number of different populations including the US Army.



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S327: Running, Marathon Prep & Pace And Mind w/ Coach Rejean Chiasson

Season 3, Episode 27

Dr. Bubbs interviews renowned running coach Rejean Chiasson to talk all things running. Coach Rejean shares his journey into elite running and the fundamentals of preparing for a marathon, from beginner to elite. He also shares his insights into planning your training week, balancing volume and intensity in training, and common mistakes made by beginner, intermediate and advanced runners.


3:50 – Coach Rejean’s surprising journey into elite running 

7:00 – Principles for beginners starting marathon prep

12:30 – Nuances in marathon prep for intermediate to advanced runners

15:00 – A common mistake for beginners – Running too fast on easy runs

18:30 – “Two a Days” or “Doubles” – The value for intermediate-advanced runners

22:30 – Rejean’s career in elite marathon running

27:30 – How many marathons should you run in a year?

34:00 – How many carbs to fuel marathon prep & supplements to consider

36:00 – Race-day tactics & Lessons learned along the way

39:45 – Running communities and the impact on health and performance

About Coach Rejean

Coach Rejean Chiasson is a seasoned professional when it comes to running and coaching. As a former Canadian Marathon Champion, he enjoys teaching other participants the skills to help them achieve their personal success.Coach Rejean is the founder of Pace & Mind run club.

S3E26: Beetroot, Bicarb & Measurement Error in Endurance Sport w/ Dr. Andy Sparks

Season 3, Episode 26

Dr. Bubbs interviews renowned exercise physiologist Dr. Andy Sparks, PhD. In this episode, Andy shares his passion for expert-generalism, his serendipitous path to research, the early days of high-fat, low-carb pre-exercise fueling in endurance sport, his work in measurement error and why it matters, inter-individual differences in how beetroot juice impacts endurance performance, personalized dosing of sodium bicarb, fueling practices in ultra-endurance athletes and more.

Summary of Episode:

4:00 – Andy’s background – ‘The right place at the right time’ 

9:00 – The early days of high-fat, low-carb pre-exercise fueling in endurance

14:00 – Measurement Error: Why It Matters

18:00 – Beetroots, Endurance Performance & Potential Wins

26:00 – Sodium Bicarb – Delayed Release The Future?

38:00 – Personalized dosing for sodium bicarb

42:00 – Fueling practice in ultra-endurance athletes


Research Papers:

High dose Nitrate ingestion does not improve 40 km cycling time trial performance in trained cyclists

A Novel Ingestion Strategy for Sodium Bicarbonate Supplementation in a Delayed-Release Form: a Randomised Crossover Study in Trained Males

Factors influencing ultra-endurance athletes food choices: an adapted food choice questionnaire

About Dr. Andy Sparks, PhD 

Andy Sparks is a Reader in Exercise Physiology in the Department of Sport and Physical Activity, where he is the Postgraduate Research Contact and leads the Sport and Exercise Nutrition pathway on the Sport and Exercise Science BSc Programme. He was awarded his PhD from Liverpool John Moores University in Exercise Physiology (2004) having completed his BSc in Sport Science also at LJMU (1998).

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S3E25: REWIND - Sprinting & Athlete Development: Insights & Applications from 6 World-Experts

Season 3, Episode 24

Dr. Bubbs interviews expert coaches, practitioners and researchers on all things sprinting. Dr. Jas Randhawa and Jason Hettler from renowned Altis share insights on training philosophy, fundamentals and the power of observation. The ‘Sprint Coach’ Derek Hansen talks differences in stride length vs. frequency and why off-season training is crucial for injury prevention. Dr. Chris Bellon PhD shares the ‘Big 4’ tenets of acceleration, strength coach Clance Laylor explains why sprinting is so beneficial in pro hockey players, and Prof. Paul Laursen PhD talks HIIT training and the different types you can aim for in athletes and clients.


Episode Summary:

-       Altis – Dr. Jas Randhawa & Jason Hettler S1E5 – 4:00

-       Derek Hansen S1E40 – 17:00

-       Chris Bellon S2E42 – 30:00

-       Clance Laylor S1E23 – 41:00

-       Prof Paul Laursen S2E37– 49:00

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S3E24: Intelligence vs. Wisdom & Resolving Conflict w/ Dr. Igor Grossman PhD

Season 3, Episode 24

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Igor Grossman, PhD who discusses his extensive research on wisdom and wise-reasoning. In this episode, Dr. Grossman starts by defining intelligence, wisdom and characteristics of wise-reasoning. He then highlights how social class may predict your ability to reason-wisely, how uncertain environments drive decision making, and how today’s social media world influences how we resolve conflicts with others. Grossman also shares how better wise-reasoning may impact performance in sport, strategies for cultivating more wise-reasoning, and the evolution of the research in this area.


Summary of Episode

6:30 – Definition of intelligence

11:00 – Definition of wisdom

13:20 – Wise-reasoning characteristics

16:00 – Social class may predict ability to reason-wisely

22:00 – Uncertain environments and decision-making

26:00 -  Conflict with individual with higher standing

28:45 – Today’s social media world; greater self-reliance & greater narcissism

36:00 – Cultivating wisdom in sport

39:00 – Strategies for cultivating more wise-reasoning

43:00 – How wise-reasoning can impact health and performance

45:30 – Evolution of the research on wisdom

Research Papers:

Brienza, J. P., Kung, F., Santos, H. C., Bobocel, D. R, & Grossmann, I. (2017). Wisdom, bias, and balance: Toward a process-sensitive measurement of wisdom-related cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. doi: 10.1037/pspp0000171

Grossmann, I. (2017). Wisdom in context. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(2), 233–257.

Santos, H. C., Varnum, M. E. W., Grossmann, I. (2017). Global increases in individualism. Psychological Science. doi: 10.1177/0956797617700622 

About Dr. Igor Grossman PhD

Igor Grossmann is a behavioural scientist exploring the interplay of sociocultural factors for adaptive emotion regulation and wisdom in the face of daily stressors. His interdisciplinary work uses innovative methods, including big data analytics, psychophysiology, diary surveys, and behavioral experiments, to target complex social issues. Follow Igor on Twitter.

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S3 EPISODE 23 - Ultra-Marathon Prep, Fueling Endurance & Race Day Mindset w/ Zach Bitter

In Season 3, Episode 23 Dr. Bubbs interviews Zach Bitter, American and world record holder in the ultra-marathon. In this episode, Zach shares how he first got into racing, how to build up from marathons to ultra-marathons and how far out you should start training for an ultra. Zach also discusses the importance of building an aerobic base for ultra-marathons, his recent win in the San Diego 100-mile race, and common mistakes made by recreational ultra athletes. Finally, Zach shares his fueling strategy during training and competition, common nutrition pitfalls he sees with clients and what’s next for him on the performance front.

Zach’s Bio 

Endurance athlete and coach. Driven to find his limitations in a variety of environments and help others find theirs. Loves the trials of the journey as much as the result.

  • World and American Record Holder

  • 3 x National Champion

  • 3 x Team USA World 100km 


Instagram - @zachbitter

S3E19: The New Science of Recovery: Evidence-Based Strategies w/ Christie Aschwanden

Season 3, Episode 19

Dr. Bubbs interviews Christie Aschwanden, author of Good To Go and former lead science writer at FiveThirtyEight and health columnist for the Washington Post. In this episode, Christie shares her insights on old-school applications of iceing and inflammation, if stretching is really a recovery essential, how cryotherapy holds up to the hype, and the role of placebo in recovery.

Summary of Episode

1:00 – Where Christie’s interest in recovery comes from?

4:30 – DOMS and downhill running

8:00 – Beer and recovery

12:00 – Science and understanding the world

15:15 – Iceing, inflammation and recovery

19:15 -  The ritual in sport and recovery

23:30 – Periodized recovery – what it is and how it works

26:00 – Big data and recovery metrics

29:00 – How life stress impacts recovery

About Christie Aschwanden

Christie Aschwanden is the former lead science writer at FiveThirtyEight and was previously a health columnist for The Washington PostChristie is a frequent contributor to The New York Times. She’s also been a contributing editor for Runner’s World and a contributing writer for BicyclingHer work appears in dozens of publications, including DiscoverSlateConsumer Reports,  New Scientist,  More,  Men’s JournalMother Jones, NPR.org, Smithsonian and O, the Oprah Magazine.

Link to Christie’s Work:

GOOD TO GO: What the Athlete in All of Us Can Learn From the Strange Science of Recovery 



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S3E18: Training Philosophy, Pro Hockey & Leaving Your Mark w/ Scott Livingston

Season 3, Episode 18

Dr. Bubbs interviews Scott Livingston, a renowned and influential strength and conditioning coach and athletic therapist. Scott discusses injury rates in today’s sporting environment, physical preparation heading into the NHL playoffs, outlines his training philosophy and recovery strategies and much, much more!


Twitter: https://twitter.com/builtbyscott


Save 10% off your next order with the promo code BUBBS at checkout progressivenutritional.com.


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S3E17: Fat-Free Mass Index & Key Micronutrients in Pro Football Players w/ Dr. Eric Trexler PhD

Season 3, Episode 17

Dr. Bubbs interviews Dr. Eric Trexler PhD, professional natural bodybuilder, exercise and nutrition researcher and education director at Stronger By Science. In this episode, Eric talks differences in body composition in pro football, how it changes by position and over a season. Eric also highlights a lesser known but valuable metric of fat-free mass index (FFMI) and general targets for specific positions, as well as associations to performance. He then shares his work on omega-3, vitamin-D and body composition in NFL players, the unfortunate reality of post-career health in pro football players and tips to keep ex-athletes healthy as they age.

Summary of This Episode

2:30 – Cardinal rule of training

3:45 – Is it necessary to use loads greater than 85% to increase strength?

6:45 – Russian vs. Western training prescription

8:00 – Importance of starting light for beginners and experts

9:15 – Intense loads and elite training environments – too much of a good thing?

10:00 – Wave loading and ideal progression strategies

18:25 – What is autoregulation? How it can impact training progression

21:15 – Moving sub-maximal vs. maximal weights fast – which is best?

24:20 – Importance of technical skill in coaching

About Dr. Eric Trexler PhD

Dr. Eric Trexler PhD is a strength coach, professional natural bodybuilder, and the Director of Education for Stronger By Science. As an exercise & nutrition researcher, Eric has published over 30 peer-reviewed papers on a variety of topics related to body composition and performance. Follow Eric on Twitter @EricTrexler and on Instagram @TrexlerFitness.

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